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Tater 07-26-2004 08:17 PM

Don't forget the Taters:D

icequeen 07-26-2004 09:28 PM

And Ice for the drinks. :D

Mad Reloader 07-26-2004 09:59 PM

Need to ARIZONA this thread up a little
Don't forget a real MAD seasoning blend!

For a really SMOOTH & DEADLY flavor (Hi sweety! :D )


I suppose someone will end up "SPIKE-ing" the punch
(So beware of JP Slovjanski if he's bringing a bottle of Slivovitz!)

mazter 08-18-2004 11:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Cannibalism, the eating of human body parts, has been around for a long time, in a lot of places:.

At an increasing number of archeological sites in several parts of the world, butcher marks are being found on human remains..

After battle, the Spartans licked blood from their swords..

In an undetermined number of tribal cultures, winners ate losers after battles..

In New Guinea, the meat of white people was called "long pig."

The Aztecs used cannibalism in human-sacrifice rituals..

Human body parts played a significant role in European medicine 400 years ago.

As the Aztec example indicates, the majority of cannibal stories grew from the upsurge of European global exploration. As Europeans looked for new lands to conquer and "civilize," they brought back tales of "savages," "cannibals" and similar do-no-goods.

By the 19th century, the archetypal image of cannibalism was missionaries boiling in a giant stewpot.

Dinner for the tribe may be the stereotype. But the actual extent of cannibalism is hotly debated by archeologists and ethnologists (students of human social behavior). Rather than simple savagery, they have suggested that cannibalism can be:

A search for protein: In areas with scanty diets, human flesh was the ultimate Big Snack.

A search for nutrition. When you (like the Donner party in the Sierra Nevada in 1846-7) are stranded, you may decide to eat the dead rather than join them.

Transforming energy. The cannibal gathers the life force of the deceased by eating him.

Aggression. Once you eat your enemy, you both know it: He's dead

TSadler 09-30-2004 02:33 PM

I have never replied to this post, so forgive me for resurfacing this thread.

I found our song!! :D :D

I Eat Cannibals - Toto Coelo

I eat cannibal
Feed on animal
Your love is so edible to me
I eat cannibals

I eat cannibal
It's incredible
You bring out the animal in me
I eat cannibals

What can you do
You're in a stew
Hot hot cook it up
I'm never gonna stop
Fancy a bite
My appetite
Yum yum gee it's fun
Banging on a different drum

And I eat cannibal
Feed on animal
Your love is so edible to me
I eat cannibals

I eat cannibal
It's incredible
You bring out the animal in me
I eat cannibals

I like the spice
Tasty and nice
Roastin vitamin
Forget the dietin'
Mmm such a dish
I can't resist
Healthy recipe
What you got is good for me

And I eat cannibal
Feed on animal
Your love is so edible to me
I eat cannibals

I eat cannibal
It's incredible
You bring out the animal in me
I eat cannibals

All I wanna do
Make a meal of you
We are what we eat
You're my kind of meat

Got a hunger for your love
(Hot pot cook it up, I'm never gonna stop)
It's all I'm thinkin' of
(Yum yum gee it's fun, I'm banging on a drum)
Give the world a bone
(Roastin vitamin, forget the dietin')
I got steak at home
(I eat cannibals)

[extended version only:
I don't need no take away 'cause Chinese food is so risque
The menu is the venue where your heart is, can't you see
I'm not into foreign platters, loving you is all that matters
You're the kind of bull who's put the animal in me]

I eat cannibal
Feed on animal
Your love is so edible to me
I eat cannibals

I eat cannibal
It's incredible
You bring out the animal in me
I eat cannibals

Roastin', toastin', you're the one I'm boastin'
Eat me, eat you, incredibly delicious too
Gourmet, flambe, serve you up an entree
Intake, home bake, you're the icing on the cake

Eat me, eat you, incredibly delicious too
Gourmet, flambe, serve you up an entree
Intake, home bake, you're the icing on the cake
Full up, can't stop, dicing on a chop chop

TreeDoc 09-30-2004 03:27 PM

:D TS, when did you hear that song? I remember that one from the music I used to listen to back in the very early 80's! That takes me back....

Also, there are no penalties for resurrecting the manBEEF thread. Muledeer was going to do it anyway! :D

VinVega 09-30-2004 04:25 PM

It just doesn't go away...

Mad Reloader 09-30-2004 08:44 PM



muledeer 10-02-2004 06:07 PM

Always room for another ManBeefer!! Like Tree Doc said "if you didn't muledeer would have":D

Tater 10-03-2004 01:14 AM

Nothing like a piping hot plate of manbeef after a day's hunt.

captain2k_ca 10-03-2004 01:07 PM

Just saw this on TNN

Click Here!!

N W Redneck 10-03-2004 05:41 PM

OMG!!! That was frickin' hillarious!!!! Politicaly incorrect? Bill Mahr eat your heart out! LMAO!!!

VinVega 11-24-2004 01:23 PM

I just couldn't let it die...

muledeer 11-24-2004 02:35 PM

Perfect!!!! Just before Thanksgiving:p

mazter 11-24-2004 03:06 PM

ManBeef & Tater's
We got the Cranberry sauce out for the Feast we will have on Thursday. ManBeef cook's really well when Basted every hour or so.;)

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