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skeet 11-21-2006 09:44 AM

Naming critters
Course ya have to name a critter. Otherwise you wold go crazy figuring out who gets what. Seriously.. we named everything. Cute little story. We had to get my daughter a horse. When I came home one day and there she is riding the eating steer across the field at a gallop. That darn steer was ok with a piece of bailing twine in its mouth for reins and no saddle. That steer was also a local celebrity. Had its picture in the paper. We used to pasture it in the front field next to the road.. Had a wash(pronounced warsh)tub for water. Well, when it got a bit hot and the bugs came out it would knock over the wash tub and wear it on it's horns. Kept the bugs off and it's head was shaded...till my daughter went for a ride anyway. The was one good eatin piece of meat...after the deed was done o'course!

Gunslingergirl 11-21-2006 09:47 AM

Oh that's priceless! How old was your daughter when she rode the steer?


gspsonny03 11-21-2006 10:33 PM

Billy and I were going to start the restaurant up, but skeet and Rubicon want to do all the fun stuff while Billy and I do the work, so we decided to go on strike before it ever started. Until they decide to help with the work we're not going to start, so you have to talk them into helping with the work portion of this. :D

BILLY D. 11-21-2006 11:14 PM

Yeah, I hate slavin' over a hot stove all day. Wouldn't mind if I had a lady helper. But Sonny ain't too purdy and he ain't built rite either. :eek:

skeet 11-21-2006 11:48 PM

Whatchu mean you gwan on strike?? Are you sayin that doin the killin ain't work?? Well...I all them other southern expletives y'all!

GSG..My daughter was 12 or 13 when i saw her ridin the dinner critter. So, we went out and bought a REAL horse. An was he a good'un. I got bout as much enjoyment outta that nag as my daughter..and I don't ride 'em cowboy neither. Jest awatchin that horse was some kinda funny...most of the time!:D Sometimes not though :rolleyes:

Gunslingergirl 11-22-2006 07:29 AM

Ok guys, we must have a fair division of labor here. I think it should work like this.

You guys go out and shoot the game, find good recipes and cook them. Find and cook some good side dishes and dessert recipes as well. Set a nice table and serve everything with a lovely bottle of wine.

I'll do my part and come and have dinner every night.

Sounds fair to me. :D


GoodOlBoy 11-22-2006 08:21 AM

I Think ya need ta get back to the basics. The guy bashes the critter with a rock an brings it home. The girl cleans it cooks it serves it tans the hide and cleans up the mess. . . . .


GoodOlBoy :D

Gunslingergirl 11-22-2006 08:32 AM


When you guys actually go out and bash a critter on the head with a rock and kill it, I'll be happy to cook it.

Just let me know when that happens, ok?

Also, just to be clear, I'm not talking a fieldmouse or a squirrel or something. Let's put some challenge into this. Go get me a sabertooth tiger or a mastadon and then we'll talk.



GoodOlBoy 11-22-2006 09:47 AM

Tell ya what you provide the sabertooth tiger or the mastadon and I will bash it to death with a rock for ya. . . . :D

*mumble* teach her to use logic with me *mumble*



skeet 11-22-2006 09:48 AM

Them sabertooth tagers area lot of trouble killin...And when ya cook 'em they taste pretty good. That's why they are so hard to find nowdays. They tasted SO good them ol cave guys kilt most of 'em

Gunslingergirl 11-22-2006 09:59 AM

So, I guess we're back to my original plan.

You guys go out and harvest the game (no rock crushing required) and then cook it up and serve it nicely with a good bottle of wine. No need to stomp the grapes yourself, you can buy the wine at the store. I'm nothing if not benevolent. ;)

I, in turn, will do my part by enjoying a great meal and applauding the cooks at the end.

Really, I can't see how that plan could be any better. In the absence of any mastadons or saber tooth tigers, it will just have to do.

By the way, skeet, how do you know what a saber tooth tiger would taste like. Do you have a time machine you're not telling the rest of us about? :D

And, lest we forget, the cooking skills of the cavepeople weren't all that advanced. I'm guessing "throw it on the fire and char it" was the best they could do. Doesn't sound all that appetizing to me.


GoodOlBoy 11-22-2006 11:27 AM

Throw it on the fire and char it is about how blackened cajun anything goes :D

Besides some of the best meals I have ever cooked have been done on the fire.


Gunslingergirl 11-22-2006 11:44 AM

I won't deny you can cook a great meal over a fire. I'm just saying that cavepeople probably didn't have spices and regulated temperatures and all that sort of thing.

As to the cajun food, I'm from Michigan. We don't eat all that much cajun food up here. :D


GoodOlBoy 11-22-2006 02:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thats all I am sayin. . . .

Gunslingergirl 11-22-2006 02:23 PM

Is that Nemo? :eek:

We do eat fish up here, and even some sushi on occasion. Fresh caught fish from the Great Lakes is pretty darn good.


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