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buckhunter 12-21-2009 01:15 PM

I hope this tread never dies. We would be forced to cook it. Awe, manbeef.

Skinny Shooter 12-21-2009 01:15 PM

You guys just have to keep this thread going, dont'chya? ;)

captain2k_ca 12-22-2009 09:58 PM

I know...its unbelievable :D

Tater 12-22-2009 10:27 PM

It just ain't the holidays without Manbeef

muledeer 12-23-2009 01:18 PM

So where's Tree Doc to make this Christmas complete? Porked out on ManBeef no doubt:p

Skinny Shooter 12-24-2009 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by muledeer (Post 333775)
So where's Tree Doc to make this Christmas complete? Porked out on ManBeef no doubt:p

He hasn't been seen in awhile, hmmmmmm,
Naaaaw, I'm sure he is still around somwhere.

captain2k_ca 12-24-2009 06:52 PM

Who? Never heard of him

:D :D

muledeer 02-24-2010 07:31 PM

All I can say is "skeet did it".

skeet 02-24-2010 10:32 PM

No I never!! I didn't do nothing..I ain't seen Treedoc. I don't know nothin.. Who Dat??

icequeen 02-24-2010 10:44 PM

Sure sure skeet, we beweeve ya honest we do ;)

skeet 02-24-2010 11:42 PM

Oh Icey
There ya go...talkin to me in that baby talk. I know I'm in twouble now.. I really am..almost completely innocent..Oh..that's the reason for the baby talk..I'm as innocent as a baby.. Somethin like my grand daughter. My wife, the crazy grandmother, called her the spawn of Satan..and then she blamed ME. I am that innocent. Hey kiddo. Glad to see ya..

Mad Reloader 02-25-2010 06:32 PM

Did someone say...MANBEEF?
Mmmm! MANbeefey!

Shall I re-post that passage about Manbeef from HP Lovecraft again or???

(FWIW, to quote Ambrose Bierce, the reports of my demise have been GREATLY exaggerated!):D

skeet 02-25-2010 06:41 PM

It's alive.. ALIVE. He's back.. How ya doing my friend??

icequeen 02-26-2010 06:30 AM

I knew there was something in the air, must be the scent of bbq manbeef bringin everyone outa the woods... :)

muledeer 02-27-2010 05:33 PM

Are u back or is it just a ghost:eek:

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