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Skinny Shooter 06-30-2011 05:06 PM

Its alive...

Here are some links about Manbeef:

Remember the last line on that page the next time you think about Manbeef. :D

Quote: eventually went offline.
By 2005 the domain had been acquired by another business.
It is now a portal for homosexual pornography.

Dan Morris 06-30-2011 07:55 PM

I inhereted a small Tai goat today. Any good recipes?

captain2k_ca 06-30-2011 11:03 PM

Woohoo! Didnt know they had a facebook page!!

ManBeef forever!!!

Seawolf1090 07-04-2011 08:19 AM

Sounds like our favorite holiday meat entree has taken a bad turn....... :eek:

fabsroman 07-10-2011 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by buckhunter (Post 341987)
I'm so glad this resurfaced.......

I cannot believe that it resurfaced. Glad to see you posting. Heck, I'm glad to see me posting.

Trying to get psyched for the upcoming season, but with the new to us house that needs a new furnace/AC (putting in a wood burning furnace), the 1998 Taurus that needs a new AC clutch, the other work around the house, stuff still in boxes, the kids, and the fact that they planted soybean at the farm I hunt 5 miles down the road, I just haven't been able to get too thrilled about the upcoming season. Haven't even shot since November/December. Maybe I will get more into it as it gets cooler.

I was so psyched to be moving within 5 miles of a farm I hunt, and then my dreams got crushed by the soybeans. Kind of weird too since it has been soybeans for 5 years, corn last year, and back to beans this year.

skeet 07-10-2011 11:51 PM

Hey Fabs...after soy beans they quite often plant winter wheat..mmmmmm-mmmmm good for geese

fabsroman 07-11-2011 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by skeet (Post 342112)
Hey Fabs...after soy beans they quite often plant winter wheat..mmmmmm-mmmmm good for geese

That is what I am hoping, but winter wheat never seems to be quite as good as corn on this field. It is in Howard County which is part of the migratory zone, so only 2 birds a day unless that has been changed. I am going to hunt it regardless since it is only 5 miles down the road.

skeet 07-11-2011 12:11 AM

When I was guiding we shot bean fields quite often...but mostly in bad weather. Just seemed to produce better on those days. Winter wheat was a close 2nd for geese on the shore but many farmers planted it for the double crop option even in corn fields. Beans are at a high price now(so is corn) so I think you will see more beans next year..especially if the farmers do futures on the beans. The place we have left on the shore is one we do futures on every year..figuring on a 40% crop basis..If they are growing good and the crop looks good we always sell a few more..up to an 80% basis..and take out chances on the left over.. Friend did a barley crop this year(high prices too) and did beans after 'em..edible soy beans though(really high prices...Japanese)

captain2k_ca 07-11-2011 01:27 AM

Any time things start to look down on me I just invite a few friends over for BBQ ;)

Seawolf1090 07-30-2011 06:23 AM

I'd maybe try that if TSHTF, but then, I tend to offer the most 'meat on the hoof', so I have to be careful! :D

Skinny Shooter 01-11-2012 06:06 PM

Haven't seen Muledeer or Cap in awhile... Hmmm

FromBearCreek 01-11-2012 06:13 PM

Don't look at me.

captain2k_ca 01-12-2012 08:29 AM

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.............tasty Muledeer


muledeer 01-12-2012 03:12 PM

So sorry captain but muledeer is armed. Would be like trying to take a bear with a BB gun:D Speaking of bear, I see treedoc hasn't caught up to Ward yet;)

FromBearCreek 01-12-2012 03:34 PM

I'm an armed bear myself. And evasive, to boot. I intend my bones to remain ungnawed.

Also: Can you believe over eleven years on this thread?

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