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12-15-2001 07:51 AM

There's nowhere to develop the film here, but when I send it home, I'll have my wife get the picture CD and email me a couple of them and I will put them on here for everyone. We built one especially for all my huntchat buddies, so I'll post the pic ASAP. I love getting paid to kill people and break their stuff and still keep my feet on the ground. I'll keep you all posted as much as I can.


12-15-2001 10:58 AM

Re: Skinny

Originally posted by tater
There's nowhere to develop the film here, but when I send it home, I'll have my wife get the picture CD and email me a couple of them and I will put them on here for everyone. We built one especially for all my huntchat buddies, so I'll post the pic ASAP.

I think we should all cough up a little bit of cash so we can send Tater a digicam. Our armed forces deserve the finest... :D


I love getting paid to kill people and break their stuff and still keep my feet on the ground. I'll keep you all posted as much as I can.


Now that's classic, I love it. :D


12-15-2001 02:35 PM

Hey tater.....can ya send soem taliban parts over here to me?? I want to have a Bar-B-Q and I promised some foriegn cuisine!!! 2 or 3 full gronw adults should do it!!

12-15-2001 05:07 PM

Good to hear from you!! Looking foreward to those pics. I'd send you some more jerky but I'll bet your address has changed. Maybe you could send us some Osama and we could make some smoked "bin lauden".:p
Stay in touch with us when you can.

12-15-2001 06:12 PM

Good to see ya tater buddy....
You better ship quick because cap'n needs his fix of Afghanny Fanny! :eek: He smokes the Cheeks over know, I'm sure you've heard of Mesquite Cheeks! ;)

Take care of yourself!

12-21-2001 04:13 PM

Captain, you're slipping;)
Check out the cooking thread. Might come up with some new recipes.

12-28-2001 12:09 PM

Crap, I lost my recipe for Afganny Fanny......can I get it off of one of you again???

12-28-2001 12:11 PM

Ahhh shooot Cap'n...
You really need to try to keep your cookbook in order! I'll see if I can find that recipe for you!

West 12-28-2001 04:19 PM

I tried to find that recipe for you but to no avail. But I did find a link of how to make human soap. I think its a true account as well.

"WARNING" do not open the following link if your screamish. No graphics just a sick allfull account of Germanys history.


BTW, I allso found some dog recipes but that would be going to far:D . I love my dogs, how could anyone eat them?.

01-15-2002 10:30 AM

The Meal is nearly complete..... that TATER is back!!! :D

Welcome home Tater, glad to see you're back and in one piece!!

A tip of the Fidora and a bite of the manBEEF Burger to ya!!! ;)

b.a.338 01-15-2002 01:40 PM

When I first saw this thread I have to admit I was a little worried about you all, but then I figured out you were talking about for food.

Somehow that shouldn't be better, but man am I relieved;)

Alfred Packer survived the blizzard because of this stratagy

always a time and place:D:D


01-15-2002 09:15 PM

Meat is meat...and good eating is good eating!! Pass the steak!!

01-16-2002 08:26 AM

I'm looking for some "pigs in a blanket" to serve at a party next week. Anybody know where I can get some?

01-16-2002 11:47 AM

Thigh meat werks great for this ;)

01-16-2002 01:21 PM

Any suggestions for finger sandwiches? How about some Rocky Mountain Oysters?

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