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model 70 05-01-2004 05:53 PM

Personal carry knives?
I like many of you rarely if ever leave the house without a knife on me. The come in handy for many things like the odd cutting task, opening envelopes, and once in awhile, when you're backed against a wall. Thank god for the intimidation factor a knife packs.

Anyway, I used to carry a butterfly knife with a 4" blade made by Bear Cuttlery. I love that knife but if I get caught with it here in California, it's a felony.


I'm looking for a one handed folding knife with the clip that is visible even if the knife is not. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. They are so popular these days.

I've always thought Schrade made a real quality knife with a damn good blade on it and is still made in the USA. I'm not sure about Buck or Gerber or Kershaw. I'd like to keep cost under $40 too. Something with a 3-4" blade would be nice.

Any suggestions?

gumpokc 05-01-2004 09:15 PM

Well nto sure if it is what your lookign for, but what i carry day-to-day is a S&W swat folder. Also carry an older gerber multitool, a minitool, and a small 2 inch folder.

I have to cut alot of cardboard and shrinkwarp, thats why i carry both folders, if one gets dull, the other is handy.

as for the multitools, well, they are always useful.

Tater 05-01-2004 10:56 PM

I carry a Benchmade Axis Auto for everyday cutting chores and a Spyderco Endura for the nasty stuff like cutting sandbags which I've been doing a lot of lately. I also have a Ken Onion Kershaw Blackout (spring assist) that I carried in the past but it's on my web gear now. I would recommend the Spyderco or the Kershaw. They're both in your price range and they're both great blades.

Kiwi Hunter 05-26-2004 03:24 AM

I have been a fan of the leatherman Wave ever since they came out - (must be least 4 years). the thing that sold me was that I can easily open and close it one-handed, as until was a two handed job. The blade is fine for most activites and its seen a lot of different tasks over the years.

Every now and again I think about getting a better, stronger blade and hence look at other options BUT I always end back with leatherman and I can't forego the pliers and other they get used just as much.

Are you aware that Leather man are about to release a Wave upgrade...oooo gotta get one of them as well. I haven't seen them for sale yet but read the article by Dave Ritter at

that could be the answer....I'll get one even tho I have 2 Waves already :D

Allen 05-26-2004 11:49 PM

Kershaw "LinerAction" model 2420. Easy one hand open and close. Blade is under 4" which means most places will let you in with it. Great steel and angle of grind for a VERY shape edge. Only down side is it dulls faster, but it not a big problem.


Rick R 05-27-2004 07:08 PM

Your choices are virtually limitless. I fyou are looking for American made, I suggest you check out Camillus or Case. Schrade is good also. One is bound to have just what you are looking for.

irish lager 11-07-2005 11:15 PM

have you looked at Spyderco at all. I used to carry cold steel, benchmade, and kershaw for an every day carry, but always felt like i had to give too much up. I dont typically like the steels used by most companys. Spyderco uses great materials and have a wonderfull customer service.

edited to add:
look at the delica it is one of the origional designs, and best all around knife for the price. VG-10 steel, FRN handle, lanyard hole and pocket clip.

SeekHer 11-08-2005 09:46 AM

I carry a K-Bar Bob Dozier Skinner drop point folder in my right pocket for everyday cutting chores, an old Gerber LST clip blade folder on my key chain for cutting cardboard boxes, etc and in my left pocket I have a Timberline Discovery Tanto style assisted opening knife, faster than Ken Onion's Leek, Chive &/or Scallion or SOG which I also own and used to carry and as strong as any of the 8 Cold Steel folders that I own...on my jacket zipper I have a Cold Steel Mini Pal and I used to wear a Bud Neely neck knife which I have replaced with a Puma Mini Tanto that I received for Daddy's Day from my 8 year old. On my hip I switch between any of the 3 Leatherman, 2 Gerber, 1 Buck or 1 Swiss Army multi tools that I have received over the years. Yes, I'm a collector as well as a carrier...

gumpokc 11-08-2005 05:17 PM

Seekher, make sure to check your local laws, as some places that neck-knife if _worn_ is considered as carrying a concealed weapon.

you could have it in your pocket no problems, but wearing it on your neck in some places isn't a good idea.

Just figured i'd mention it, one of the guys i work with got into abit of a hassle over one, during a delivery run a few months ago, better to be forewarned.

skeet 11-08-2005 05:29 PM

Knives etc
I carry one of a couple folding pocket knives for everything use. Mostly case knives. I do have a Revolutionary War cavalry saber I would love to carry. ..But the law here in the People's Republic of Maryland would probably frown on that..and it is worth quite a bit. Actually it is a bit of a hassle here if the knoife is over 3 or so inches(blade) ...and a neck knife...oh nooo. Bad Bad. Many Gerbers now days seem to be made in CHINA..gag:rolleyes:

8X56MS 01-31-2006 06:13 PM

More often than not, I am carrying one of several Swiss Army knives.

GoodOlBoy 02-01-2006 08:25 AM

I have been looking at the gerber evo myself. . . . .


rick savage 02-02-2006 11:56 AM

schrade and old timer islonger in business but kershaw will work

quigleysharps4570 03-04-2006 04:56 PM

Been carrying the same ole Case pocket knife for many years now. Fixed blades...I go custom anymore.

rick savage 03-04-2006 07:22 PM

hey quigley, i have some case knives all handles made by david and brian yellow horse, only ten made in each design. also have brian yellowhorse buck ,one of a kind, everything is numbered

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