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Ken14 11-27-2005 08:59 PM

Weatherby Vanguard Sub MOA
I have been looking at a new Weatherby Vanguard Sub MOA rifle...they look and feel real good to me..and have a under an inch accuracy promise. Has anyone had any hands on experience with one..would like to know before I go and put one on order.

Thanks in advance.

Mil Dot 11-27-2005 09:36 PM

I have one in 7mag that shoots like a dude. Absolutely loves 162gr BT.

gd357 11-28-2005 04:15 AM

My brother has one in .270 that shoots very well. It will shoot inside an inch all day at 100 yards. I wouldn't hesitate to get one. After all, it's a Weatherby. Just my 2 cents worth.


Rapier 11-28-2005 12:55 PM

My hunting buddy had one in 308, it would put 5 of the factory Winchester premium slugs (nickel cases black bullets) into one hole at 100. The best factory ammo shooter I have ever seen.

RUMLUVER 12-06-2005 10:47 AM

I owned an older Vanguard it was a Series 2 in 30-06 and it lived and died on 165gr Hornady Interlocks with H4350. This rifle absolutely was one of my most accurate rifles ever it would shoot 1/2" day in and day out. Good rifles I just don't like the way the newer ones look just my opinion.

hnter 12-08-2005 08:49 PM

Nothin more than a Jap HOWA 1500. Identical, except for the name on the action/bbl. Identical that is, except for the price tag. Oh yeh, the Howa synthetic stocks are Butler Creeks, so are the Wby's.
Good shooters though, but niether one's better than the other.


RUMLUVER 12-08-2005 09:14 PM

That's intresting I never noticed that they were the same nobody around sells Howa so I have nothing to compare to the Vanguard for myself.

petey 12-09-2005 08:50 AM

For the same money you'd spend, why not just have a custom gun built to your specs?

I think they are asking a bit much just because of a SUB MOA gaurentee. Heck you could save yourself a few hundred (or more) bucks and buy a Rem 700 LSS and have the same results (Sub MOA)

My personal choice would be; If I had the money to buy one of Weatherby Sub MOA guns, I just take the money and get a custom gun built. That 's just me though

Ken14 12-09-2005 08:59 AM

I just dont think I can get in the custom market for 650.00..Not even a Remington factory rifle like I want. Got the Weatherby last Saturday and weather permitting we'll see how it does..

petey 12-09-2005 09:32 AM

I guess I never looked into those that much since they never tripped my trigger but a coworker was telling me of prices around $1000+ for those gaurentee Sub MOA guns. That was kind of where I was coming from. I guess that's what I get for not looking into it and taking the word of another. (we were having this same conversation last week since he was interested in our Long Range shooting)

I'm not even sure if you can buy a Rem 700 LSS for that kind of money. I think they are running in the $700+ range?

In any case, I hope it turns out to be a shooter for ya!!

Mil Dot 12-09-2005 09:39 AM

Hey Petey,
Custom guns for 650.00, I'd definately consider!

Heck the Vanguard 7mag I have cost about $400, I lightened the trigger and it shot < 1". Learned how to glass bed on it and it got down in the .75" or less range.

Ken, let us know how that one shoots and have fun breakin' that bad boy in!

petey 12-09-2005 10:09 AM

If you have an action already (which is one of the big parts of a gun) and a good gunsmith, that price is doable for sure.

A custom barrel by many manufactures in different sizes and contures can run you $300 and under. (or more depending on what you want and who you buy it from) Buy a stock like an unfinished Boyds (Manufacture not member) Gunstock for under $100. You can finish it yourself with linseed oil.

Gunsmith will rebarrel, chamber in the round of your choice, glass-bed if needed, some trigger work and you'll fall in under that number. It's all in the parts you choose, but of course it's best to talk to a competent gunsmith who knows what he's doing. Tell him what you need it for, and he'll suggest the correct parts.

Of course for a few more bucks (hundred that is) you could build a lot better one

sladek 12-15-2005 12:07 AM

Buy you a barreled action from Howa ($385-$523) a Boyds stock for 100 bucks or so and you have a custom rifle for under $650. glass bedding and floating the barrel will add a few bucks, but still under $1000 bucks or more..........
thats my next project in .243

.243 Win. (Howa barreled action, blue varmit heavy barrel)


24" #6

6.7 lbs.

1-10" twist


and a Boyds thumb hole stock for $100-120 give or take and I will be ready to go

check out this website for Howa actions

California Hunter 01-14-2006 06:46 PM

Own two of them (both synthetic and stainless) and I love them - one in 308 and one in 300 Win Mag - they absolutely do shoot sub MOA; and they love factory ammo. I paid $818.00 out the door for mine in Central CA which includes dealers mark up, transfer fee, etc.

I also bought a standard Vanguard synthetic and stainless for my daughtor in 308. $515 out the door.

Bullseye 2 01-27-2006 12:14 PM

Not one of the new sub moa's, but I purchased my Vanguard in 7mag back in 1984, put a bell carlson synthetic stock on it, had the trigger reduced to 2 lbs, glass bedded and a Kleingunther muzzle brake.

Now has the recoil of what feels like a 222 and holds half inch or less groups with near max loads.

I paid $319 for it, new in the box.

If I buy another rifle any time soon, it will be a Howa. Same gun, but almost $200 cheaper than the Weatherby. My brother has a 22-250 Howa and it punches 1/4-3/8 inch groups with factory ammo.

Good shooting,
you can't go wrong with either


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