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Gunslingergirl 11-15-2006 01:59 PM

Good Pheasant Recipe
I talked to my Dad and he just got back from the Dakotas where he was pheasant hunting. Apparently he got a nice bunch of birds, so that is most likely what we will have for Christmas dinner.

Usually we just stew them in a cock pot with some mushroom soup. It is good, but that's what we do every time. I'd really love to find a new recipe to make this Christmas. Anyone have any ideas?


GoodOlBoy 11-16-2006 08:44 AM

Ya can't expect to ask a question like that and not have a redneck answer SMOKED. Slow smoked in a good smoker with a water pan (to keep the bird from drying out) on the rack under the bird. I suggest a liberal application of lowry's seasoning. (The only think liberal you'll ever hear me suggest btw) Ya might even wanna soak the bird overnight in a decent beer (something good and hoppy like a lonestar or pearl) as a marinade, then season it up and throw it on the smoker for a few hours. . . .

By the way you will never have a true redneck say the word smoker and gas in the same sentence. If it don't use charcoal it ain't a smoker its a bunsen burner :(

A wood smoker (like one made from an ancient fridge) would work wonders but you would be smokin the bird for probably a week or so in one of those.


Duffy 11-16-2006 08:46 AM

I deep fry mine, such as you would with a turkey. I just did a couple grouse the same way last weekend. Works great, tastes great!

Gunslingergirl 11-16-2006 01:25 PM


Smoked pheasant breast, I don't think I've ever heard of that. Or deep fried for that matter.

I will have to consider this.



M.T. Pockets 11-16-2006 02:13 PM

I use the tried & true method with mushroom soup in the crockpot, and I've had it smoked & deep fried - all very good.

I also like baking them in an oven bag with a little poultry seasoning sprinkled on them and half a stick of butter in the cavity. Simple & clean. The McCormick chicken bag & seasoning combo. works great. Add some butter though.

Another method easier than any other is to cut the breast meat into bit sized pieces and stir fry them for just a few minutes in very hot butter (a cast iron pan works best). Stir them after a couple minutes and sprinkle Lawry's, garlic salt, lemmon pepper and Accent seasoning. Don't overcook. This is an absolutely fantastic appetizer for a social hour with your friends and your favorite beverage. You can take a frozen pheasant and be serving it within 20 minutes.

I save all the legs & thighs in a separate freezer bag and at the end of the year I take them all and slow cook them all day, bone the meat and make a great stew.

GoodOlBoy 11-16-2006 03:26 PM

another good way to have them is put them on a jewfish hook. Throw them in the bayou, knock the gator that bites em in the head, cut off his tail. Then batter and deep fry the tail. . . . .


Gunslingergirl 11-16-2006 04:31 PM

Seriously? Deep fried gator tail.

What, exactly, does that taste like?

And please don't say chicken or I will be forced to do something drastic.


BILLY D. 11-16-2006 05:16 PM


Originally posted by Gunslingergirl
Seriously? Deep fried gator tail.

What, exactly, does that taste like?

And please don't say chicken or I will be forced to do something drastic.



I must say your posts are interesting and when they are not seeking an answer to a question they are comical and always evoke a laugh.

You should have been an interrigator, you have a true gift at asking questions and extracting answers.

Do you have any older sisters?

Gunslingergirl 11-16-2006 05:30 PM


Thanks. In another life I was a print journalist and worked in television for a time. I've always been curious and like to know things, so I ask a lot of questions. I also have what some would term an "odd" sense of humor. I'm glad to see it seems to fit in here.

As for older sisters, sorry, I'm the oldest in my family.


Gunslingergirl 11-16-2006 05:33 PM

By the way, I told one of my co-workers of this post and she said she had eaten deep fried alligator.

I asked what it tasted like and she said "chicken".

Sometimes I wonder about people. :D


GoodOlBoy 11-17-2006 08:57 AM

Naw really it don't taste a whole lot like chicken. It has a much bettr flavor, although it is a more fiberous meat than chicken. Not nearly as slick.

It's good stuff really.


Gunslingergirl 11-17-2006 09:07 AM

I guess I'll have to take your word for it.

Although I did find some Alligator Steak Recipes

Guess I can also buy alligator meat by mail order should I be inclined to do so. Maybe I've found the prefect Christmas gift. :D


gspsonny03 11-17-2006 05:44 PM

I lighly tenderize them and I mean lightly or they will fall apart. Then use Lowery seasoning, use your favorite type of breading mix, whichever you perfer. Fry it up like you would a chicken-fried steak. Don't over cook as it will get tough on you. Make white gravy to cover. Now that's good eating.

BILLY D. 11-17-2006 06:02 PM


Originally posted by gspsonny03
I lighly tenderize them and I mean lightly or they will fall apart. Then use Lowery seasoning, use your favorite tight of breading mix, whichever you perfer. Fry it up like you would a chicken-fried steak. Don't over cook as it will get tough on you. Make white gravy to cover. Now that's good eating.
Hey Sonny

Ya forgot the seasoned Wild Rice, Green Beans with sauteed Mushrooms and bacon bits or asparagus with a mixed green salad and bleu cheese dressing, topped off with a nice red wine.

Some beach, Im hungry. :eek:

gspsonny03 11-17-2006 11:19 PM


Got to hand it to you. That don't sound half bad. Maybe we should start up a wild game restaurant. All we would have to do is find someone to do the cooking of the creations we come up with.:D I don't think my wife would do it.:D

Nulle 11-18-2006 04:10 AM

Marinade pheasant over night in Zesty Italian dressing with a hint of Soy.
Layer of dressing, can of Cream of Chicken, cover with another layer of dressing and bake at 350 until tender and done.

skeet 11-18-2006 10:45 AM

I'll do the pheasant shootin for the restaurant...ducks too. What else ya need killin for the grillin?? I'm a shooter....oh and an eater!!

rubicon 11-18-2006 12:10 PM

I love to cook-----but the restuarant will need somebody to fill in on all days suitable for hunting and fishing

gspsonny03 11-18-2006 09:08 PM

Oh sure Billy and I have to stay at the restaurant all day cooking and cleaning while Skeet and Rubicon get to go out and have all the fun. That's the story of our lives. :D

skeet 11-18-2006 09:26 PM

Good Idea
Hey that is a good idea. Y'all cook and we'll do the huntin. Just think of all the money y'all gonna be makin!! The ony thing we'll need is a little money for ammo...fuel money for travlin around...scoutin an all and we will need a little travel expenses and some of that there good cookin y'all gwan be doin...just ta keep body an soul together....ain't that right Rubicon??

BILLY D. 11-18-2006 10:33 PM

Re: Good Idea

Originally posted by skeet
Hey that is a good idea. Y'all cook and we'll do the huntin. Just think of all the money y'all gonna be makin!! The ony thing we'll need is a little money for ammo...fuel money for travlin around...scoutin an all and we will need a little travel expenses and some of that there good cookin y'all gwan be doin...just ta keep body an soul together....ain't that right Rubicon??
Hey skeet

Thats sounds about like my kids. I finally got smart and as they turned 18 I busted their dinner plates and pitched the kids out. I didn't plan on being their mommy the rest of their lives.

skeet 11-18-2006 11:43 PM

Y'all wouldn't treat us like you did when you was so mean to your kids. I mean well wouldn't want all the money..jest our fair share, ya know. Heck we would be supplyin all the main part of the grub ya unnerstand? Well at least the meat part. Ain't that the main part?? C'mon, ahhh I mean,....ah Billy! I allus wanted me a job like that.:D :cool: :confused: ssshhhh...c'mon Rubicon...Help me out here!!

An this is my 1600th post. What is I a commin to??

BILLY D. 11-19-2006 12:42 AM

Re: HUH??!!

Originally posted by skeet
Y'all wouldn't treat us like you did when you was so mean to your kids. I mean well wouldn't want all the money..jest our fair share, ya know. Heck we would be supplyin all the main part of the grub ya unnerstand? Well at least the meat part. Ain't that the main part?? C'mon, ahhh I mean,....ah Billy! I allus wanted me a job like that.:D :cool: :confused: ssshhhh...c'mon Rubicon...Help me out here!!

An this is my 1600th post. What is I a commin to??

I'm not mean although at the time I was called a few unmentionable terms. I just had my rules and I told them if they didn't like my rules they could make their rules when they were living independantly. Another words don't get your a$$ caught on the door knob as you depart.

I was widowed and with five youngins' and doing my job in the Military with 10>16 hour days I didn't need any extra trouble.

I must have motivated them because 3 finished college and the other two got good jobs. None of them were in any trouble cause they knew they would suffer the wrath if they did. A lot of times I didn't get to give them all the time they needed but they understood. They might not have liked it, but they understood.

They have families of their own now and when we talk or chatter on cyberspace and they say thanks Dad for being the way you were. It gives us a bearing on how to treat our kids. Setting goals and always doing the right thing. I don't acknowledge what they say, I just get a feeling of satisfaction and a smile on my face.

I now have 5 wonderful Grandchildren and 3 Great Grandchildren that they gave me with love. Sides that I have all these great places to visit whenever I want. :D

And congrats on the 1600 post.

Best wishes


rubicon 11-19-2006 06:04 AM

Skeet, I think Billy is into that tough love stuff!. Heck, I have four kids and four grand kids.They come home as needed and are always welcome. the youngest moved back in after college, then moved back in after 6 years in a neuc. sub in the navy.and now at 35 baches with me-AND IT WORKS OUT GREAT. My oldest son moved back home after 8 years on a battleship in the navy and helped run the family businesses for a year then struck out on his own only to have his neck broken in a car accident so back home where i nursed him for another year. He is now married with two great kids. My daughter moved back home after college and lived at home until she got on her feet , then moved back in two years ago when she got a job here in Md and stayed with me for 6 months while we found her a condo in a good area on the bay shore. She is a dental hygenist and works at two different practices and is definitely not a slacker- just needed a little help from daddy. My kids and grandkids are my pride and joy and I hope to always be there for them. Anyway, guess we could work that HUNT CHAT GOURMET FINS AND SKINS EATAURANT during off season if there is such a thing. Maybe Val could fill in with some gator, LilRed with some of that great southern quisine, and Icequeen with bear steaks.

Gunslingergirl 11-20-2006 08:04 AM

Ok, the recipes sound good. Now I'm hungry and I had breakfast not to long ago.

I think starting up a wild game restaurant would be a good idea. I'd come in for a bite.


wrenchman 11-20-2006 12:36 PM

the last gater i had i thought it tasted like beef and i will say at the risk of makeing it sound bad but i would take a wild rabbit any day over chicken.
My mother would cook them when i brought them home and i still like eating them.
my grand father raised rabbits to eat and i didnt like to eat them they had no flaver and were greasey he would try to say they were chicken but i could tell every time we found that they had to be spiced well to taste good.
My grand mother did make dumplins frome the raised rabbits that was good.

BILLY D. 11-20-2006 01:06 PM

When I was a kid I was in convalesance from an illness and our family Doc suggested I find an out door hobby. It just happened it was around Easter and a family member gave me a bunny.

And that was a start to me raisnig rabbits. I had Little Dutch, Chinchillas, and New Zealand Whites. Won a lot of prizes from them at the county fair.

As far as eating them, I thought they tasted lousy. Maybe it was because they were pen raised. There is nothing better than a good Cottontail fried slowly and gravy made from the pan drippings.

My Grandmother used to make great Hasenpepper also. Wrenchman is correct about the seasoning of pen raised rabbits. Thats why the hasenpepper was so good.

GoodOlBoy 11-20-2006 04:54 PM

Yep pen raised bunnies have a very distinct very different flavor. I have never decided if it was due to lack of excercise or diet. I use to raise rabbits myself btw.


skeet 11-20-2006 09:53 PM

Pen raised wabbits
You know, is an often quoted "fact" that you can actually starve to death while eating all the wabbits you can eat...And they really don't taste so good. I used to raise 'em too.

Gunslingergirl 11-21-2006 08:47 AM

I don't know, eating something I'd raised...

See, this is why I could never own a farm. I'd name all the animals (at least the cute ones) and I'd starve to death. I mean even piglets are somewhat cute when they're little. Not to mention fluffy little lambs and baby chicks.

I'd have to become a vegetarian. It's kind of hard to get attached to a potato.

So when and where is the Gourmet Wild Game restaurant opening?


skeet 11-21-2006 09:44 AM

Naming critters
Course ya have to name a critter. Otherwise you wold go crazy figuring out who gets what. Seriously.. we named everything. Cute little story. We had to get my daughter a horse. When I came home one day and there she is riding the eating steer across the field at a gallop. That darn steer was ok with a piece of bailing twine in its mouth for reins and no saddle. That steer was also a local celebrity. Had its picture in the paper. We used to pasture it in the front field next to the road.. Had a wash(pronounced warsh)tub for water. Well, when it got a bit hot and the bugs came out it would knock over the wash tub and wear it on it's horns. Kept the bugs off and it's head was shaded...till my daughter went for a ride anyway. The was one good eatin piece of meat...after the deed was done o'course!

Gunslingergirl 11-21-2006 09:47 AM

Oh that's priceless! How old was your daughter when she rode the steer?


gspsonny03 11-21-2006 10:33 PM

Billy and I were going to start the restaurant up, but skeet and Rubicon want to do all the fun stuff while Billy and I do the work, so we decided to go on strike before it ever started. Until they decide to help with the work we're not going to start, so you have to talk them into helping with the work portion of this. :D

BILLY D. 11-21-2006 11:14 PM

Yeah, I hate slavin' over a hot stove all day. Wouldn't mind if I had a lady helper. But Sonny ain't too purdy and he ain't built rite either. :eek:

skeet 11-21-2006 11:48 PM

Whatchu mean you gwan on strike?? Are you sayin that doin the killin ain't work?? Well...I all them other southern expletives y'all!

GSG..My daughter was 12 or 13 when i saw her ridin the dinner critter. So, we went out and bought a REAL horse. An was he a good'un. I got bout as much enjoyment outta that nag as my daughter..and I don't ride 'em cowboy neither. Jest awatchin that horse was some kinda funny...most of the time!:D Sometimes not though :rolleyes:

Gunslingergirl 11-22-2006 07:29 AM

Ok guys, we must have a fair division of labor here. I think it should work like this.

You guys go out and shoot the game, find good recipes and cook them. Find and cook some good side dishes and dessert recipes as well. Set a nice table and serve everything with a lovely bottle of wine.

I'll do my part and come and have dinner every night.

Sounds fair to me. :D


GoodOlBoy 11-22-2006 08:21 AM

I Think ya need ta get back to the basics. The guy bashes the critter with a rock an brings it home. The girl cleans it cooks it serves it tans the hide and cleans up the mess. . . . .


GoodOlBoy :D

Gunslingergirl 11-22-2006 08:32 AM


When you guys actually go out and bash a critter on the head with a rock and kill it, I'll be happy to cook it.

Just let me know when that happens, ok?

Also, just to be clear, I'm not talking a fieldmouse or a squirrel or something. Let's put some challenge into this. Go get me a sabertooth tiger or a mastadon and then we'll talk.



GoodOlBoy 11-22-2006 09:47 AM

Tell ya what you provide the sabertooth tiger or the mastadon and I will bash it to death with a rock for ya. . . . :D

*mumble* teach her to use logic with me *mumble*



skeet 11-22-2006 09:48 AM

Them sabertooth tagers area lot of trouble killin...And when ya cook 'em they taste pretty good. That's why they are so hard to find nowdays. They tasted SO good them ol cave guys kilt most of 'em

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