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Mr. 16 gauge 02-01-2011 12:12 PM

I suppose I get a little testy for the wrong reasons, but the "Storm team coverage" of the upcoming snow were suppose to get here in Michigan (and Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois as well) has me a bit ticked off.....:mad:
They drone on and ON about how horrible this storm is going to be, to the point that they have a majority of the people in panic mode: The grocery stores are a madhouse, and they are already closing schools......we didn't have school closures when I was a kid until the day OF the event! idiot newscaster was telling people that they needed to stock up on water!.......REALLY????? water???? I got news for you, jack....if you have 15" of snow, like your predicting, you have water! Just ad a little heat to the snow and PRESTO!!! You have water! If you don't have heat, guess what!!!???? Any water you DO have will turn to ICE!!! .....and it won't do you any good!

What a bunch of dumb asses! Putting people in a panic for ratings......I can't stand it. It's the midwest; it snows....get over it! And if you ain't already prepared, then you deserve to die anyway!:p

.....and I can't believe the number of people out buying bread and milk:confused: What are you going to do....make french toast and watch it snow?!?!?!?!:rolleyes:

Catfish 02-01-2011 01:35 PM

We got more ice than snow last nite and I guess were in for more of the same tonite. I usually leave my big pickup out, but pulled it in thr shed after takeing 1/2 hr. to get enough ice off the window to see out of it this morn. I`d reather have the snow. OH, I`m abt 35 mi. N. of Dayton.

multibeard 02-01-2011 08:31 PM

Right on 16 ga.
I have been sayiing the same things for the last few days.

Was shopping on our way home from a doctors apointment this after noon. Some one in line said some thing about us stocking up for the storm.

I said no that we had plenty of stuff at home to last out the storm but today was PAYDAY for some of us old farts.

The thing with the weather people they have to hipe things up because if they predict too mild of a storm every one is ticked when they get snowed in. They have been over predicting our storms all winter long.

Seems odd that with all that snow out east they have not been waiting for the feds to come rescue them like New Orleans. Like all of us up north we just dig in and get the job done. We are used to driving through a foot of snow, no problem.

Larryjk 02-02-2011 12:36 PM

multibeard, You drove your point home with a hammer in the last sentence. People don't know how to take care of themselves. If you live where someone isn't going to run out and wipe your nose or fanny all the time, you learn to do it for yourself. My wife is always saying I am a survivor and I say why not? I don't want to be one of the sheep begging the wolf.

skeet 02-02-2011 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by multibeard (Post 340128)
The thing with the weather people they have to hipe things up
Seems odd that with all that snow out east they have not been waiting for the feds to come rescue them like New Orleans. Like all of us up north we just dig in and get the job done. We are used to driving through a foot of snow, no problem.

Multi..the weather channel over predicts for sensationalism and ratings. I never watch the idiots..

As far as the back east thing..they are not used to driving in a foot of snow...anymore. The snow used to stay around much longer in the past..but for the last 40 yrs it would snow and generally be gone in a day or two. Now with them getting dumped on because of Al's Global Warming scenarios..all those people do not know how to live with out the gummit helping them. Talked to a friend from Md this AM. he asked the temp and since it was 24 below..when I told him..he asked how we could live with it that cold. Sun is shinin and a beautiful day right Temp is 12 below...It almost seems balmy in the sun:eek;):......Well...not really!:D

multibeard 02-02-2011 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by skeet (Post 340139)
Multi..the weather channel over predicts for sensationalism and ratings. I never watch the idiots..

I never watch the weather channel because I get tired of waiting for them to finally get to telling my forcast and don't get it anyway because my feble mind has wandered off to another interest.

We have 2 local stations and it is a contest for ratings.

They have been camparing last nights storm to the blizzard of '78. What a joke I could have drove to town this morning. I was snowed in for 2 weeks in '78. My son and I skied 3 miles into town after a week to get the mail for us and all the neighbors and some milk. We did not need any other groceries as the pantry was always full.

We only got 8 inches of snow last night her in the middle of the mit and my son got a foot back home. NO big deal.

EDIT I see on the news tonite we got a foot of snow last night. Ya right!!!!!

fabsroman 02-02-2011 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by skeet (Post 340139)
Multi..the weather channel over predicts for sensationalism and ratings. I never watch the idiots..

As far as the back east thing..they are not used to driving in a foot of snow...anymore. The snow used to stay around much longer in the past..but for the last 40 yrs it would snow and generally be gone in a day or two. Now with them getting dumped on because of Al's Global Warming scenarios..all those people do not know how to live with out the gummit helping them. Talked to a friend from Md this AM. he asked the temp and since it was 24 below..when I told him..he asked how we could live with it that cold. Sun is shinin and a beautiful day right Temp is 12 below...It almost seems balmy in the sun:eek;):......Well...not really!:D

Don't even get me started about this stuff and Maryland. Sheez. What a bunch of morons. We drove down to Florida on Thursday and the number of morons that abandoned their cars over that night/morning was incredible. I saw a BMW M3 on the side of I-95 right in Virginia right after the DC beltway. The person that thought he/she would be able to drive that in the snow needs to get his/her head examined. Would have been nice if a plow had hit it.

Sometimes, I wonder if the retailers and grocery stores give the weather forecasters kick backs to predict this stuff and get everybody up in a frenzy to go and buy toilet paper, milk, bread, etc.

Skinny Shooter 02-03-2011 07:03 AM

Sensationalism does sell...
But the flip side to this is the safety aspect.
If the hype keeps people off the roads then that makes the job less dangerous for EMS and Fire.
We got hit with ice in this area and our department didn't have a single accident call thru the storm.

Duffy 02-03-2011 07:47 AM

I just stopped listening to it all. The hype and sensationalism is unreal. Snow and ice can be bad, but come on already! You said it all, 16.

Larryjk 02-03-2011 11:34 AM

This storm is above and beyond the usual for most of the area it has hit. Chicago should not be screwed by this because they get them occasionally. It is a new experience for the southern edge of the storm. We are too far north of the main storm path and it went right by. We only have about 6" on snow on the ground. Just west of Cheyenne there is only about 2". Twenty inches for Chicago could reallyi start to pi-- off a lot of people.

fabsroman 02-03-2011 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Skinny Shooter (Post 340150)
Sensationalism does sell...
But the flip side to this is the safety aspect.
If the hype keeps people off the roads then that makes the job less dangerous for EMS and Fire.
We got hit with ice in this area and our department didn't have a single accident call thru the storm.

Good point. It did not work here, and I have to wonder if people went out to get "essentials" and then ended up getting stuck.

Mr. 16 gauge 02-04-2011 11:19 AM

What I find interesting is the panic that took place when the weather announcers started hyping this storm.....people in DROVES went to the grocery stores.....what, you don't keep a little extra on the shelves? What's gonna happen when there is a REAL emergency??

Had to go to work the day of the storm....found that the one main street was better plowed than the freeway I had to take part of the way in. Nobody on the roads....I left an hour earlier than I usually do and made it there 45 minutes earlier than I had to be!
The next day (day after the storm) was a heck of a lot worse! Idiots who clear out a postage stamp sized spot on their rear window, and don't clean off their bumper (I'm supposed to be able to tell that they've just slammed on their brakes by the pinkish hue that the snow kind of takes on!:mad:) I leave 3 car lengths between me and the car in front of me, but this A-hole decides to give me an inch (if that) before cutting over into my lane (and of course he didn't use his turn signals....not that they would have done any good with all the damn snow on his bumper). I lay on the horn, and he flips ME off! What I wouldn't give for an iron bar and five minutes along in a room with that jackass!

skeet 02-04-2011 01:54 PM

You know what is really amazing to me?? All those people in the city who have a big ol SUV..and have never learned how to drive the darn thing in the snow. I know people back in Md who have had one of them for 4 or 5 years and have NEVER used the 4 wheel drive. DUH..why do ya have it??..and the ones I really like are the ones who have an all wheel drive and think it is the same as 4 wheel drive. Not hardly Norbert!!

fabsroman 02-06-2011 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. 16 gauge (Post 340170)
What I find interesting is the panic that took place when the weather announcers started hyping this storm.....people in DROVES went to the grocery stores.....what, you don't keep a little extra on the shelves? What's gonna happen when there is a REAL emergency??

Had to go to work the day of the storm....found that the one main street was better plowed than the freeway I had to take part of the way in. Nobody on the roads....I left an hour earlier than I usually do and made it there 45 minutes earlier than I had to be!
The next day (day after the storm) was a heck of a lot worse! Idiots who clear out a postage stamp sized spot on their rear window, and don't clean off their bumper (I'm supposed to be able to tell that they've just slammed on their brakes by the pinkish hue that the snow kind of takes on!:mad:) I leave 3 car lengths between me and the car in front of me, but this A-hole decides to give me an inch (if that) before cutting over into my lane (and of course he didn't use his turn signals....not that they would have done any good with all the damn snow on his bumper). I lay on the horn, and he flips ME off! What I wouldn't give for an iron bar and five minutes along in a room with that jackass!

What really bugs me is the morons driving 50+ mph down the road with a roof full of snow/ice that eventually blows off in a big sheet. Those guys I want to kick in the nuts.

Got stuck behind a guy a couple of weeks ago with about 6 inches of snow on his roof and the postage sized stamp window in front and back that you describe. Me, I was in my F350 with everything completely cleared off. Worst thing about it was I was the only one coming down the road in my lane and this idiot just HAD to pull out in front of me from his driveway and drive less than 20 mph in a 30 zone and then 20 mph in a 45. I was PISSED. He could have just waited for me to pass and then pulled in behind me if he wanted to go that slow. Did he seriously think that I was going to drive slower than him while I am in a completely clean F350 FX4 with 4wheel drive? Did I mention that I was PISSED? I was stuck behind him for 20 minutes, and contemplating running him off the road the entire time.

fabsroman 02-06-2011 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by skeet (Post 340177)
You know what is really amazing to me?? All those people in the city who have a big ol SUV..and have never learned how to drive the darn thing in the snow. I know people back in Md who have had one of them for 4 or 5 years and have NEVER used the 4 wheel drive. DUH..why do ya have it??..and the ones I really like are the ones who have an all wheel drive and think it is the same as 4 wheel drive. Not hardly Norbert!!

I am sitting here laughing like crazy. Skeet, you know it is because they aspire to be weekend warrior offroaders one day in their Hummers.

On another note, I was in Centreville on Friday for a hearing. Passed a farm for sale on 213 on my way into town. It is 155 acres. Any idea what the owner is asking for it? The number of geese in the area was insane. One of the fields off of 301 must have had 10,000+ in it and they were still piling in as I was driving by. It pained me to work on Friday after seeing that.

Jack 02-06-2011 11:53 AM

I always get a grin when driving in snow, watching the SUV's fly by me (hey, I got 4wd, I'm invincible!), and then seeing them rubbing a guard rail a few miles down the road. Around here, that happens a lot.

fabsroman 02-06-2011 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jack (Post 340203)
I always get a grin when driving in snow, watching the SUV's fly by me (hey, I got 4wd, I'm invincible!), and then seeing them rubbing a guard rail a few miles down the road. Around here, that happens a lot.

Yep, people fail to realize that even though 4 wheel drive allows them to go faster in the snow than if they didn't have it, it definitely doesn't make the vehicle handle better or brake better. ABS helps some on the braking, but the distances are still a lot longer.

Larryjk 02-06-2011 09:52 PM

I am glad to see some of those SUVs being used in "inclement" conditions. I get tired of California telling us to conserve fuel and then seeing 5 lanes of SUVs there that have never been in snow or mud. I guess it is "Thank God " for little favors because most of those SUVs never go any further than the end of the blacktop. That leaves some back country for me.

Mr. 16 gauge 02-07-2011 07:16 PM

Well, done seen it all today.....went to work and as I was driving to the hospital a Detroit police car (marked car) pulled up next to me. His roof top flashers were encased in snow and ice.....couldn't tell if he had them on, it was so bad!:rolleyes:

Makes me think I'm living in a world full of idiots!

skeet 02-07-2011 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by fabsroman (Post 340196)
I am sitting here laughing like crazy. Skeet, you know it is because they aspire to be weekend warrior offroaders one day in their Hummers.

On another note, I was in Centreville on Friday for a hearing. Passed a farm for sale on 213 on my way into town. It is 155 acres. Any idea what the owner is asking for it? The number of geese in the area was insane. One of the fields off of 301 must have had 10,000+ in it and they were still piling in as I was driving by. It pained me to work on Friday after seeing that.

Fabs was that farm on the left just after you turn onto 213 going into Centreville? Little pond on it? If so lots of deer there too. Turkeys now also. Too many people movin in the area there now. Go up the road in QA county though. less people and nicer folks. I think a realtor may own part of that the price will be high

fabsroman 02-08-2011 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by skeet (Post 340218)
Fabs was that farm on the left just after you turn onto 213 going into Centreville? Little pond on it? If so lots of deer there too. Turkeys now also. Too many people movin in the area there now. Go up the road in QA county though. less people and nicer folks. I think a realtor may own part of that the price will be high

Yep, that is the farm. Right before you get to the little shopping center with the McDonalds in it that is right across from a little development of newer homes. I figured it would be "expensive" since it is right next to the "shopping center". It was kind of sad to see homes right next to the courthouse that were in disrepair, but I guess that is life. The geese on that farm was insane.

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