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grump52 09-06-2004 10:25 PM

Where to find a 22 Carbine?
I have a sudden interest in a 5.57 Johnson. I read that IMI makes them, but have been unable to find one anywhere. Thanks

Rocky Raab 09-14-2004 10:09 AM

Not a clue, Grump.

I think you're going to have to do a re-barrel to scratch that particular itch!

Mad Reloader 10-17-2004 05:49 AM

5.7 MMJ....

The last time I came anywhere NEAR that cartridge was almost 20 years ago, when my ex-fatherinlaw and I were out 4-wheeling and scouting for hunting spots up near Kingman AZ, found a spot where some folks had been doing some shooting out in the desert and a smallish amount of .22/.30 Carbine brass turned up among the empties left behind. (Wish I'd saved one for my "Odditorium" of brass...oh well.)

I can think of one or 2 possible gunsmiths who MIGHT be able to do up a barrel for you, but as to an off-the-shelf rifle......?

Mickey Rat 10-13-2005 11:35 PM

Numrich Arms/Gun Parts carries replacement barrels for the conversion.

I have a Ruger Ranch Rifle in 223 and it isn't very accurate, 3 inch groups @ 100 yards are rare. I suspect the 5.57 Johnson will be the same.

Costs: $450.00 for a doner M1 Carbine + parts looks too expensive. But then again, sometimes you just gotta......

Mickey Rat 09-18-2006 01:36 AM

I ended up buying a 22 Carbine. It looks great. It is a 22 LR version made by Iver Johnson. I paid 225.00 for it. I don't have to hunt the brass and it looks right and shoots well. A great plinker.

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