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HogginHank 12-16-2004 07:52 PM

Big Pig..
Here is a pic of a hog that was at a friend of mines game processing locker. It was possibly shot in Guadalupe County near Seguin TX

The fireman in the pic is 200# + so the hog is most likely pushing the #400 mark??(with guts and all) Who knows :confused: It's so hard to guess a hogs weight. It does look like it goes every bit of 350# if you ask me..

mazter 12-16-2004 10:57 PM

Oink Oink
Thats one Big Pig, I bet that will be some great eating, Wow that things Big. I would say its close to 425 or 450lbs. Is there anyway you will ever know ? What did the guy shoot it with, If you know ?

PerG 05-15-2005 03:05 PM

Bigger pig!
1 Attachment(s)
Well, the biggest wild boars are in Russia. I went hunting in Russia and shot a wild boar. Mine was not that big as the one on the picture that I added but check out some of the hunting pages for russia so you can see yourself. (, and so on). I'm sure that you'll find some pictures of huge animals there! Russia has the largest moose and bears in the world! I hope to shoot some of them one day!

Mil Dot 05-17-2005 03:58 AM


That's a big pig! I'm afraid I'll have to brush up on the Russian to surf that site. It looks like my text became encrypted.

Welcome to Huntchat!


PerG 05-17-2005 03:26 PM

big pig
Sorry about the lack of info with the link. There is a comma at the end of the link for luckyhunting, so it will not go there automatically. This page is in english. The other one is in russian as standard but you can change it to english by pushing on the english button on the top right corner!
Try checking out for more pictures. There you will see some pictures of some really big animals. That was where this picture came from. I just hope that there's no copyright on this or I'll get into trouble ;)

Mil Dot 05-17-2005 07:35 PM

Yeah, I figured out the translator after the post
What the heck kind of fish are those on the second sight?

Black ones with big fins?

PerG 05-18-2005 07:49 AM

I think that the fish you are thinking of is the one called bullshead or miller's thumb. I've out a link to a site that describes this fish. A bit strange looking

But if you like to fish, I can suggest up north by the volga river. I know a guy who caught a catfish over 100kg (220lb). Saw a video he recorded himself during a fishing trip. As far as I was told, that area is a breeding ground for catfish and once a year, they all go there to breed.

But personally, I prefere hunting. But it's always fun to combine it with fishing. If you get your trophy within the first few days, you can always fish a bit to spend some time :D

drummer 06-30-2005 01:43 PM

What was the weight of that hog?
I got one in April that went 250lbs. and that one looks considerably larger than mine.:eek:

BTW,Russia is the last great outdoor frontier.See what happens when you get rid of communism.:D

rick savage 02-02-2006 07:25 PM

nice hogs

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