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earschplitinloudenboomer 01-14-2005 03:50 AM

aguilla 60gr .22 round
Would love to shoot this round. None of my .22's shoot it accurately enough. Anyone haveing better results? What are you shooting it out of? Suggestions?

Cossack 01-14-2005 03:19 PM

I'm guessing the twist in is too slow to stabalize them. I shoot several of their other offerings with good luck.

Montana Cowboy 01-23-2005 08:48 PM

Howdy Cossack
None of my .22's shoot it accurately either. Tried a box of them through my .22 rifles and did not have very good accuracy. MC

popplecop 01-24-2005 06:52 PM

Got a 10-22 that shoots them well to 25 yds. I swear at 27 yds they are starting to tumble.

EncoreBilly 01-25-2005 09:12 AM

Re: aguilla 60gr .22 round

Originally posted by earschplitinloudenboomer
Would love to shoot this round. None of my .22's shoot it accurately enough. Anyone haveing better results? What are you shooting it out of? Suggestions?
They make a 1:9 twist barrel for those rounds.;)

earschplitinloudenboomer 01-25-2005 11:35 PM

Who makes the 1 in 9 twist barrel? Is it for a 10-22? Don't currently have a 10-22 but am not opposed to buying one.
Any idea on the cost of the barrel?
Thanx for the response.

DaMadman 02-01-2005 12:57 PM

My Ruger MK II shoots them really well out to about 15 yards then They go all to poop.

Mickey Rat 06-28-2005 03:08 AM

I've got a Walther P-22 that loves them. we shoot the center fire steel plates with them for kicks. I can clean the plates out to about 15 yards, thaen it starts getting iffy. Hits must be on the top 2 inches to drop the plate.

No one I know of has been able to use them in a rifle. It the twist.

popplecop 06-28-2005 07:54 AM

Have been shooting them out of a Ruger Bearcat, very accurate at 15 yds. Will try them for squirrels this fall. Haven't tried them out of an Ruger SS yet, might work there too.

Rapier 07-20-2005 02:22 PM

The minimum twist that will stabalize the SSS is 1-10. I have tried the SSS in several standard guns (1-16 twist) and they will shoot OK at short distance only. I built a 1-12 gun to shoot then, due to that being the fastest twist liner I could find, still no go.

For Silhouette shooting they will take the Field Pistol ram down at 100 yards. If they would shoot at 75 yeads, they would be the ticket.

I have not seen the 1-9 twist barrel reported by EncoreBilly. The 1-9 twist would certinly do the job.

One has to remember that the SSS is a social round and not intended for use over 10 feet.

GoodOlBoy 07-20-2005 04:26 PM

My 22 wont even cycle aguilla rounds (Any flavor I have tried lately does not work) I stick with CCI Velocitors.


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