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losthwy 02-16-2005 04:12 PM

Skeletal Disease in Young Dogs (Dog Food)
Here is a link to an excellent article dealing with skeletal disease in large breed young dogs and diet. the "calcium" and "conclusion" sections are of special merit.

Relationship of Nutrition to Developmental Skeletal Disease in Young Dogs.

SeaBreeze 03-21-2005 10:51 PM

Another thing to
I know its not a skeletal disease, but DO NOT use WALMART Brand dog food, had a friend of mine who was using it and he lost almost a whole pack of dogs due to it. They use chicken feathers in their food, not a good idea, caused his dogs hearts to burst.:(

losthwy 03-22-2005 12:43 AM

I would not use any band of food that Wal-Mart carries. Generally your better foods are found at your smallar animal food/feed stores or Mom and pet stores.

Jabba 03-22-2005 06:14 AM

I have had several dags do pretty well on Wal Mart Ol-Roy dog food.

I have since switched to Diamond, but only because my newest dog gets really dry flakey skin on the Ol'Roy.


Doc E 03-22-2005 08:36 AM


Great link Thanks !

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