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catmando 05-01-2005 01:19 AM

Big Coyote Hunt
got a call from a Rancher frind of mine from west Texas He said the coyotes are eating him up (livestock). So a few of us are heading out there on the 13th of may and where going to have a old fashion shot out some of us are from other states like Pa,Ill,Mi,Tx,ok and others.We are takeing 3 days for all this fun and it gets us a chance to try out a few new toys .Between all of us we have about avery kind of ecallers made and 4 different decoys .I now some people do not like to shot coyotes in the breeding season but like i said there killing stock.
Bill tells me he is seeing 15 yotes aday just as he is out working the ranch.All those yotes , Snakes ,hot weather man it don't get any better than that.Will post photos and storys when we get back.

Evan03 05-01-2005 02:30 PM


great to hear it.
watch out for those snakes.

have a good one


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