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killzone1423 05-06-2005 12:01 PM

Question on knifes?
I would like to know what kind of knife would be good to use for deer hunting in gutting and skinning. It is just a question that would like an answer!


Tater 05-06-2005 03:35 PM

Every major knife maker has a hunting model so it will mostly come down to Brand-preference. I carry a Schrade Old Timer with a gut hook that my wife got me for Father's Day a few years ago that I like. Before that I was using my Uncle's old Boy Scouts knife. I don't remember the brand but it's got the official BSA logo etched into the blade right above the hilt. It's about 40-45 years old and still takes a nice edge. As I said, they're all pretty good so pick a brand you know and like and it should serve you well.

GoodOlBoy 05-06-2005 04:02 PM

Kabar #1217

That way you can skin a deer, a elk, a rhino, or retake Omaha beach. . . . . *grin*


Rick R 05-06-2005 04:48 PM

They will all do the job. Some require more work, some a little less. Personal preference is the key. Seen guys with a bowie knife strapped to their leg and seen some use pocket knves. My preference is a small fixed blade with about a 3 - 3 1/2" blade. Oh yeah, it must be sharp!

DogYeller 05-07-2005 06:19 AM

I'm really starting to like this little knife I made for myself. It's got a 4 1/2" blade and holds an edge I use my throwing Hawk to split the pelvis.

quigleysharps4570 05-07-2005 07:37 AM

I like a drop point KZ. My favorite is one I had Ernie Grospitch make for me. She's a go-getter.

gregarat 05-11-2005 10:33 AM

What is the blade length on your KZ? I personaly like drop point as well.

I use a Buck, Vanguard.

jmarriott 05-12-2005 11:24 AM

I sure have gutted a few deer with my Rem Big game folding hunter. Gut hook bone saw and nice sharp blade. I will admit it takes quite a while to clean it up. I have been carring it since the late 1970's as it was a gift from my father at the start of a deer season.

quigleysharps4570 05-12-2005 05:28 PM


Originally posted by gregarat
What is the blade length

That one is a 3 3/4" blade. Got a new one coming from Billy Watson that has a 3 1/2" blade. Can't wait to see it. He e-mailed me yesterday and said it was finished. Been waiting on it since July of last year...but he told me then he was running 6-8 months on his orders. I'll try and post a pic when I can.

shonkster 05-14-2005 05:19 PM

One of the most versitile knive you could possess to use in the field are drop points, it is a personal thing on what blade length, what is important is the material its made from and the hardness of the blade. You need a blade hard enough not to be brittle but not to soft that it won,t hold an edge for long

Steverino 05-17-2005 09:25 AM

That's a handsome looking knife Quigley!;) (Inset whistle here! LOL)

razmuz 08-28-2005 05:52 PM

My Choice
I've used many different knives. Most I bought, traded for or made myself. They look good, are pretty and some hold a good edge. Now that I'm old I don't want to fool with any thing that's not trouble free and easy to use. I find myself using an old Buck 110. The main reason I like it is because it's easy to hold when your inside a deer carcass. I painted the handle yellow where it is easy to spot. Most knives nowdays are just for show. The old Buck 110, that started this knife craze, will do anything you need to do in the field.

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