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Blktail 06-08-2005 11:53 PM

Wanted - Reloading Press or advice.
I am looking for a reloading press for my 30.06 and 44-40.
I have the dies, but borrowing a press is a pain. Which brands do you recommend, and which are adequate and cost effective?

gd357 06-09-2005 07:03 AM

I use an RCBS Rockchucker and it more than does what I need it too. I know that they're more expensive than some of the others. A few friends of mine use Lee presses and haven't had any issues. It's just whatever you want to spend, and how much use it'll get.


toxic111 06-09-2005 09:21 AM

I'll second the RCBS press, probably the best buck for the money.

I have a Lyman that I picked up used, it works great, but its not as strong as some of the others.

We broke the handle on it, and had thought of getting a dillion.

Mil Dot 06-09-2005 09:27 AM

I use a Rock Chucker for everything from 223 to 338RUM in rifle and 40 S&W and 44 Mag in pistol. I've no complaints and is easy to use as a base to build your reloading set up.

Catfish 06-09-2005 02:25 PM

The Rock Chucker is hard to beat, but any press that is as heavily made as the Rock Chucker will do as well. The main thing is to get a good heavy press. Do not but anything that`s made by Lee if your going to do much reloading, it`s not heavy enough and wont hold up, especially under heavy use.

hnter 06-12-2005 02:56 PM

reoading press
Buy a Lee Loading press They are reliable, strong and inexpencive.
Try Midwayusa $65.00
Natchez Shooters Supply Under 70.00 for a Lee anniversary kit. :D ;)

travelinguy 08-14-2005 10:07 AM

I have to definately agree on the rockchucker. It is super solid, smooth action. You can tell it is built to last a lon time. I have also found that the lever action on it seems more centered than some others. I got a rockchucker supreme at
Best price I had found on it.

Blktail 08-14-2005 01:09 PM

Thanks for the info guys.
I found a Lee Turret press locally for a steal. I am sure it will suffice until I decide if reloading is for me. I will keep a lookout for a Rockchucker at garage sales etc.


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