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captain2k_ca 06-15-2005 08:31 PM

FINISHED!! Project 10/22
Got her all done :) (Well mostly ;) )

Here is the before:

captain2k_ca 06-15-2005 08:32 PM

And AFTER!!!

captain2k_ca 06-15-2005 08:38 PM

Rundown of the parts list:

1. Green Mountain Barrel 20" SS Fluted.
2. Hogue Over-Moulded Stock.
3. Simmons 3.5-12 x 40mm.
4. Leupold Base and Rings.
5. Volqartsen Bolt Buffer and Magazine Release.
6. Harris Bi-Pod BRM-S
7. Factory Trigger System(Upgrade to Volquartsen TG-2000 Later).
8. Factory Ruger Bolt Assembly(Sanded, Smoothed, and Polished)
9. Factory Ruger Receiver(And yes kiddies that thing is 24 ct. Gold plate).

I am VERY happy with the looks of the gun. With having the receiver plated it made the factory pin holes and barrel hole very I had to sand lightly to remove some of the plating to make it all fit together......this thing is TIGHT. It is not coming loose unless I make it come apart. I just hope it SHOOTS as good as it looks!!

Allen 06-15-2005 10:19 PM


How does it shoot?


captain2k_ca 06-15-2005 10:42 PM

Won't know until Saturday :( :(

fabsroman 06-16-2005 08:34 AM

That thing looks nice. At first I thought it looked exactly like mine with the exception of the barrel (i.e., I have one of those crappy Butler Creek carbon barrels), but then I noticed the receiver. That is nice.

Did you polish the bolt yourself? If so, how did you accomplish it? I wouldn't mind having my bolt look like that. Also, I have the stainless steel receiver, could I polish it up and make it look really shiny too?

captain2k_ca 06-16-2005 10:14 PM

To polish the bolt I first sanded it totally smooth with a rough grit sandpaper....then went to a smoother sandpaper...until I finished off with 1000 grit to make it really smooth. Next was a total polish job with Flitz polish. Shined it up real nice :)

I also polish inside the reciever. Made a big difference in the way the gun worked!!! alot less jams!!

I am sure the reciever could be polished....try it on an area you cant see first......

Evan03 06-27-2005 01:27 PM

the 22lr recivers are aluminum and im pretty sure they can all be polished to decent shine.

my 10/22 just has 16.5" gm blue fluted barrel and 10/22T laminated stock with weaver base and burris rings with 3-9x40 leo mounted to it in matt. trigger has been slicked up to a smooth 3lbs and thats about it

barre shoots very good. its one of my most fun rifles when im not shooting centerfire.

im sure yours will be a shooter.


EncoreBilly 06-30-2005 06:36 AM


Originally posted by captain2k_ca
Rundown of the parts list:

1. Green Mountain Barrel 20" SS Fluted.
2. Hogue Over-Moulded Stock.
3. Simmons 3.5-12 x 40mm.
4. Leupold Base and Rings.
5. Volqartsen Bolt Buffer and Magazine Release.
6. Harris Bi-Pod BRM-S
7. Factory Trigger System(Upgrade to Volquartsen TG-2000 Later).
8. Factory Ruger Bolt Assembly(Sanded, Smoothed, and Polished)
9. Factory Ruger Receiver(And yes kiddies that thing is 24 ct. Gold plate).

I am VERY happy with the looks of the gun. With having the receiver plated it made the factory pin holes and barrel hole very I had to sand lightly to remove some of the plating to make it all fit together......this thing is TIGHT. It is not coming loose unless I make it come apart. I just hope it SHOOTS as good as it looks!!

Just get the Volq. hammer and throw it in and you will be pleasantly surprised at the new 3 lb. pull.Sometimes sell in the bargin bin on Volq. web site for $20.00.they work exceptionally well and I've built about 12 1022's with them!!

captain2k_ca 06-30-2005 12:14 PM

I am actually planning on putting in the VQ TG-2000 complete system. I am not happy with the way the stock ruger is put of the holes(Trigger return spring??) is even off center a bit....Sides, I want the trigger assembly to be Stainless :D:D

Evan03 06-30-2005 10:03 PM

have you looked into to KID triggers.

if your gona be spending this much in a trigger group, id give them serious look.

Encorebilly might know theyre website.

the kidd trigger is known to be the all out best trigger ever made for the 10/22. and its only 50-75 more than vq's trigger cant remember exackly how much. 275 comes to mind as a pricew on the kidd trigger.

BILLY D. 06-30-2005 10:20 PM



captain2k_ca 07-01-2005 12:02 AM


That was a job better left to the Pro's.

Quite expensive, but that is 24 Kt. Gold plate. So it is expected to be a bit pricey. The place I sent it to charges $60 an hour to plate. I know it is a 3 part plating procedure. It is cleaned and paint stripped first, then copper plated. If that plates well, then it is nickel plated. After that it is on to the Gold :)

An I will check into the Kid trigger thanx :)

captain2k_ca 07-01-2005 12:07 AM

Looks nice.....

EncoreBilly 07-14-2005 10:23 AM

return spring hole

Originally posted by captain2k_ca
I am actually planning on putting in the VQ TG-2000 complete system. I am not happy with the way the stock ruger is put of the holes(Trigger return spring??) is even off center a bit....Sides, I want the trigger assembly to be Stainless :D:D
They would be hard to drill on center with the rest of the trigger guard in tact:D

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