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scooterman27006 07-04-2005 05:37 AM

i have asked a stupid ? in here before so
i have an encore and contender but have all long barrels for them - never used anything less than 23" so my question is if i buy a 10 " barrel to use and it has a little short forearm how will it work if the gun has a stock instead of a pistol type grip - will it be like shooting a rifle with a straw for a barrel and do people do this - also does anyone own a 222 rem in one of these thompson's and if so how does the 10 " barrel shoot in 222 rem (for some things 10" is pretty short lol) thanks for the info scoot

Leadbutt 07-04-2005 06:45 PM

scoot, first if I understand you right, both the TC and the ENCORE are set up as rifles?

IF this is right you can not use any barrel shorter then 16" on the frame with the butt stock, to use any barrel under that you will have to pull the butt stock and change over to the pistol grip

scooterman27006 07-04-2005 08:12 PM

lead i appreciate the information - i never knew plus i dont even have a pistol stock for either gun - good thing i didnt buy a short barrel thanks

MarkL 07-06-2005 12:32 PM

There is no physical or technical reason you can't put a short barrel on a TC with a rifle stock. Unfortunately, there is a legal reason. You could find yourself in a world of legal trouble for doing so.

Obviously, a 223 rifle with a 10" barrel is nothing but a machine for slaughtering humans, whereas a 223 rifle with an 18" barrel is harmless, as is a 223 handgun with a 10" barrel. :)

scooterman27006 07-06-2005 03:38 PM

LOL well now i get it - so it will work ok i may just have to move the stand a little closer to fit the forearm - since i dont plan on shooting anybody and since this is in my back yard and i dont plan on any atf fellas paying me a visit i may give a short barrel a try sometime if i find one pretty cheap - and if someone ask me i will tell them i shoot paper and not people lol - i wonder if any other folks might have tried this short barrel either on a pistol or longer in 222 t/c barrel in 10" does it shoot well - that answer will make the difference in looking or not looking for a cheap barrel scoot

Evan03 07-06-2005 11:03 PM

most of the time theres neve a stupid question that can be asked.

but there are more answers than you can shake a stick at that lean on the stupid side.

Rocky Raab 07-07-2005 08:37 AM

Even in the privacy of your own gun room, don't do it, Scoot.

The Feds are smarting because T/C beat them in a court decision. They wanted T/C to stop making the Contender - or at least redesign it so that it couldn't be switched from a rifle to a pistol version. The Feds don't take a loss like that easily.

If anybody gets caught with a short barrel on a carbine-stocked frame, it'd likely result in the Feds banning Contenders altogether.

how'd you feel if that "anybody" was you?

Besides, it's almost impossible to use either the iron sights or a pistol scope that close to your eye. Stick with long barrel/long stock OR short barrel/short stock - always.

scooterman27006 07-07-2005 05:33 PM

Rocky -- understood here and i will take this advice as well as all your other advice that you have sent me - i didnt know about the pressure with the t/c stuff and i certainly wouldnt want to be the ONE -- i appreciate the sound advice as always :cool:

Rocky Raab 07-07-2005 08:56 PM

My pleasure.

Just be aware that "sound" advice is sometimes just noise! ;)

Mine included.

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