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More decisions
Now that I've chosen my handgun purchase, I want a rifle. I have a .270win to handle all my G.P. deer hunting, my spot and snipe black bear hunting aswell as my looooooong range varminting. I want something with MORE POWER. I don't want the cost of a magnum bolt rifle and expensive scope. I'll buy that when I have a hunt that truely calls for it. So what now you ask? lever gun.
I've been mulling it over. Seems no matter how you dress it up, I just can't get excited about the ol' 30-30. Not big enough to be considered "Big Bore". Not fast enough to write home about. Mediocre bullet weights and even less impressive speeds with "basic" knockdown power. Don't get me wrong, I got nothing against it. I know it's history and that's fine. I want something that pushes a big slow bullet which in turn pushes over what I'm shooting at:D . .45/70govt.? .444Marlin? .450Marlin? Aside from the majore ammo makers Buffalo Bore makes some impressive rounds for these. I don't handload btw. Soooooo...what advantage does one have over the other in factory loadings? Of course I'll be going with Marlin as far as rifle. Thanks for your help. |
Well, in factory loadings, the 45-70 is pretty mild for the most part - except for the tooth-rattling special loads by some makers. But they may not be approved for a lever gun, even a Marlin.
The 444 is a stout little puppy with lots of energy. But scarce as hen's teeth on dealer's shelves. The 450 Marlin is all teeth and fang. Monster loads are all they offer. Given those three, I'd go with the 45-70. Hard to beat a classic like that, and even its mild loads feature plenty of whoop-ass. And, it might just be the caliber that starts you reloading! |
Hehehehe, thanks Rocky. I notice alot of guys shoot the Buffalo Bore in the Marlins so I'm not too worried about that. How's the recoil on those thumpers?
If I had a choice I'd take a heavy dose of recoil over the big blast from the porting on the muzzle. |
is your 270 not getn things done in the deer dept with enough frazel for you.
i realy think the 270 is the biggest thing you need, exsperience tells me that. im completly convinced that your side stepping the varmit rifle world on purpose. being a gun nut like you are there is no sence in the world to be with out atleast one varmit caliber in decent rifle with decent glass. maybe the 17hmr would even fit in the this group. ;) im completly wrong if you like two things, while varmiting, heavy recoil from the 270 hundred of times a weekend while blasting prair dogs . and not being able to see your impacts on critters. i varmit hunted with my 270 for years. i used it alot before i was old enough to purchase firearm. that thing pounded the livn daylights out of me on conscistent basis. ive been scope numeras times from shooting in aquard postions. my shoulders been batterd and bruised. i weigh 150 now. so you can imagine me as 12 year old getn mule kicked. my first rifle i bought and payed for myself was 22/250 22" barreld ruger. the rifle was completly inconsistent and im sure so wwere my abilties. but this didnt hide the fact that the 22/250 opend my eyes to varmiting. though i dang near couldnt hit the broad side of a barn i still managed to kill some coyotes and varmits with it. second purchase was the 10/22 i now have. this rifle also popped my eyes open and taught me how to shoot. then the 22/250 also started getn batter aswell. i was lead into this hunting world kinda backwords. first rifle i ever fired was a dads 3006. he used to let me hold the rifle up and dry fire it. in the direction of the target. he must have had a bad day or something this one time and needed a laugh. this time unknown to me when he handed me the rifle with the safety engaged it was loaded one in the pipe. i get all hungerd down on the target click the safety off and yanked the trigger. i was porbly maybe 9 at the the time. that dang thing ratled my world and ive never forgotten the drama. thought my shoulder was broken. so the flinge grew instantly right there. what am i getn at here. heck i dunno. but i do know that there are calibers out there a heck of alot more fun to play with than the 270. the 2506 is even leaps and bounds a better fungun when compared. my 220 now were talking the 220 is difrent league all together. a freind of mine already bought one after shooting mine. the rifle just plain doesnt miss and if it does its my fault not the rifles. i counted 12 jack rabbits kills between 200-300yds the other night with no misses. just hold dead on and watch the red mist fly. theres alos something cool about thumpn a rabbit at 400yds and watchn it crumble then hearing the loud whop as the ipact is transfred back to you in sound waves. but not everyone is i9n love with varmit hunting and just plain rifles like i am. im true gun nut and will try my damdest to pry that 270 out of your hands and so you can give it break and have some fun varmiting. no 4570 is ever gona be as much fun varmiting as good 224 varmit rig will be. it takes time to break into this world, even i was reluctant at first. pickn rifle was hard i didnt know what i wanted or even what kinda varmiting i wanted to do. now i do it all and have a caliber for each use . im complety jabering if the lever gun in 4570 blows your skirt up then get one. chances are youl be wanting something new soon and ill try and get you in varmit rig then. happy shooting;) Evan |
Varminting takes up about 5% of my shooting/hunting time and by varminting I mean jacks, foxes, coyotes and the occasional ground squirrel I spot sunning on an old slab or log. The .270 win fits my hunting needs for all I care to hunt regularly(deer, bear, pigs). The 25/06 is too much of an in-between cartridge.
Out here we have thick conferous forests broken up with old clear cuts. The clear cuts are where I see 75% of the deer I wanna shoot. The .270win reaches out and tips 'em aswell as that '06 you shoot. Recoil doesn't bother me. In fact, in the same rifle I doubt I could tell the different between pushing a 120gr. slug from your 25/06 or a 130gr. slug from my .270win The gun I am considering would be a little more ideal for chasing hounds and killing black bears in trees or jumping bucks in the thick stuff. Some day I'll buy myself a .223rem Not this time though. Make more sense now??? |
just dont knock it till youve tried it. identical barrel lenths and rifles the 2506 is all together difrent critter.
for those deer in the bush the 270 does great and also reaches across the clearcuts that are only a matter of a few paces away. id hate to be in position say 350yds couldnt get closer and my 4570 was all i had. not saying the lever couldnt make the shot. but me with lever gun open sited at that kinda range would make things tough. id belly crawl through poisin ivy to get closer before i ever tried a site like that while packn slug lobber.. on the other hand i think the 44mag is cool round and ive always had want for a ruger bolt action chamberd so. but i realy have no use for the caliber in bolt action rifle , i just think it would be cool. and i make an opurtunity ti take an deer or possibly elk with it and im positive it would kill some varmits. so i can see where your comeing from. but we are kinda on two difrent sides of the fence. my hunting revolves 90% around varmiting big game is less than 2 months out of the year. and it even lends its self to varmit hunting traits. kinda answer your question of why have a 16power target dot scope on my 270 for this season.:) Evan |
35 Whalen just might be what you're looking for or 30 WSM.
As usual, my minds always changing. Went in and handled a model 675 Remington in .350rem
The guy said that would be his choice for a bear gun. Stout little round it is. |
the 675 is a good lookin rifle and the caliber has had me wondering. hmmmmmm.
3506 would also be cool, think there might even be facotry ammo availalbe for it, or even a 338/06 or punch 270 case out with 284 bullet and have you good deer elk and brush gun. its very close to the 270 but has larger selection of heavy for caliber slugs. what else can i think of with out going smaller than the 270. what about the 3006 pushn 220gr factory ammo, might be one of the best all around brush - moderate range calibers. theres ammo availalbe for any use you could think of for the 06. and as brush gun you could most certainly do with less strick acuracy standers. id say keep the 220s in less than 3"s at 150yds and your good to for even farther |
"or punch 270 case out with 284 bullet and have you good deer elk and brush gun. its very close to the 270 but has larger selection of heavy for caliber slugs. "
Evan, you, I am sure, know that you're describing the 280 Remington. And you're right- fine cartridge. (technically, the 280's shoulder is moved a hair forward of where a 270's shoulder is, so the 280 won't chamber in a 270 for safety reasons. Takes a mighty keen eye to see the difference.) |
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