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model 70 08-31-2005 08:49 PM

Just curious how most of you guys feel about tattoos. I am guessing mine keep me from getting much attention at the gun shops. Seems like they make some people nervous and other just don't like 'em. I'm not crying victim here, just an assumption. I also notice alot of fellow hunters I hunt with just shake their heads when I take off my long sleeve shirt or coat.

Tater 08-31-2005 09:18 PM

I've got a few and I've never really cared how people feel about them: I got them for me not them.

model 70 08-31-2005 09:44 PM

EXACTLY! That is and will always be my mentality. Jyst ruffles my feathers when people pass judgement on me because of them. Not because of what they think. Hell, if I thought that I wouldn't do have the stuff I do. When it keeps me from doing the getting the things I want, then I care.

Niteowl 09-01-2005 04:12 AM

I have 12 of them on my lower and upper arms and on the inside of my forearms.Everyone is for a reason for memory of a baby brother,and my kids names,the time I spent in the Corps,and an eagle and flag for patriotism...If they dont like them....dont look at them!:p

8X56MS 09-02-2005 06:39 PM

I have a few. They are not visible at work, but I don't hide them either. I think they are kinda pretty :)

DogYeller 09-02-2005 07:00 PM

I've got one. It's a busted cherry, got it after my first fire fight in 1965.

TreeDoc 09-02-2005 08:05 PM

I'm Old School. I considered one when in the Navy. If you were commisioned it couldn't be below the shoulder where it was visible below the sleeve. Enlisted could have one on the forearm and I think that was it. I decided against but have nothing against a tat that's there for something as significant as a military accomplishment or just plain "Mom" on the shoulder.

I have really come to dislike the modern tatties that so many feel they have to have. Come to me for employment, if your all tattied up on your neck, arms, or where it's really visible then you won't be getting a job from me. My clientel are usually old school as well and I won't have a prison lookin' tatboy on my crew scaring my clients. Body adornments like earrings, nose rings, titty rings, eyebrow rings, tongue rings...dang, give me a call, I'll buy you a one way plane ticket to frikkin' Outer Sabobia or somewhere so you can run around half naked with the "tribe" you think you belong to....this is America and American Culture...grow up!

You can go through life with a "it's my body" attitude but you better expect to hit some walls when you live live in a society where that stuff is marginally acceptable.

On women? That just plain makes me puke!

You asked! ;)

carl 09-02-2005 08:44 PM

I'm a little older than some of you and always wanted to get a tattoo.I got my 1st one at age 36 about 20 years ago.Now I have them on both upper arms and on my back.As tree doc said if they show some people get turned off by them and don't really give you a chance to see if you are a freak or just a ordinary good old boy that wanted a tattoo.With the location mine are no problem covering up.IMHO a tattoo isnt going to tell you whether a person is good or bad.However 1st impressions to an employer could keep you from proving your worth.
As far as piercings I have coworkers and friends with earrings and various piercings but I never saw anthing I wanted.
I guess my view is different than tree doc about girls with them.I like to see them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

buckhunter 09-03-2005 12:16 AM

I really don't give a rats xxx what you put on your body. Its yours and do with it as you please however Tree Doc has a good point.

I have one that I got in the Navy in about 67. Its on my upper arm and isn't visable except when my shirt is off. Its real pretty now. Its just a blob of blue ink. Looks real crappy after about 40 years. Would I do it again? No way.

To each his own.

Valigator 09-03-2005 08:14 AM

All my make-up is tatooed, lips, brows and wasnt done with ink but a mineral pigment so it doesnt turn one can tell so I guess she did a good job...

quigleysharps4570 09-03-2005 09:35 AM


Originally posted by TreeDoc
You can go through life with a "it's my body" attitude but you better expect to hit some walls when you live live in a society where that stuff is marginally acceptable.

Yep...a whole lot of walls. As should be expected. I've seen some that have "F you" tattooed on their bods...I'd like them to come to me for a job. :) Would be a fine representative for someones company huh. :)

model 70 09-03-2005 01:23 PM

well when i started getting visible tattoos i realized how much harder it would be. as a general rule, stay off the hands, neck and face you should be fine. nothing a long sleeve shirt can't fix. anywho, i lost count of how many i have. maybe 30+? i plan to get more, money permiting and i know how some "old timers":p feel about them. oh well.

wrenchman 09-03-2005 04:26 PM

I have anuf scars that i have never thought about getting one.
I do like to look at girls tattoos some put them in places places that are fun to look at. -- lol

quigleysharps4570 09-03-2005 08:44 PM

What line of work are you in model 70?

model 70 09-04-2005 03:50 AM

Parts Dept. at a luxury car dealership. I can walk around in the short sleeved uniform shirts they supply us with. I can even make deliveries every blue moon in which i'm called upon to do so. My manager though ASKS that i wear my jacket when walking out on the show room floor. If I ever get on the counters I'll be wearing long sleeves he says.

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