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model 70 10-02-2005 10:32 PM

old ammo
found some older federal premium ammo in my dads closet while cleaning it out. got about 4 or 5 boxes that are probably 10-15 years old. is this stuff safe to shoot?

Ol` Joe 10-02-2005 11:04 PM

People are still shooting WW2 surplus, have fun...........

quigleysharps4570 10-03-2005 04:40 AM

I'd be willing to dispose of it for you. :)

Critch 10-04-2005 08:28 AM

I'm still shooting some 20 year old 12 guage that my dad had and recently i ended up with 100+ rounds of 30.06 when my brother in law pasded away, it shoots just fine. have fun.

many years ago some of us were working the range at FT Wood in Missouri and we found several 6-7 foot long belts of 7.62NATO in the bottom of an old tank being used for target practice by the USAF. It shot just fine in the M-60's the Army guys with us had. The stuff was wet, dirty, and with just a wipe off it was fine.

Mickey Rat 10-13-2005 11:19 PM

I was at the range engaged in the final episode of: THE SEARCH FOR THE PERFERC 30-30 SPITZER LOAD.

I had just finished chronographing my last load in the Savage 340, and decided to shoot some old ammo over it.

This ammo was labled as loaded in 1981. 30-30 WW cases, CCI LR primers, Lee home cast 150 gr LFP/gas check and a load of WW 748. This ammo had been improperly stored in an outside storage shed in 105 degree summers.

The crony showed 1995, 1991, 1995, 1992, 1991 fps for a 5 shot group that measured 7/16 inch.

I often find old crusty rounds at the range in the dirt. I always use them to demonstrate that they almost always work. There is no such thing as a dud, just rounds that haven't fired.....yet.

razmuz 10-17-2005 11:46 AM

We moved in 1960 and never unpacked some of the boxes. In 1998 my son was going through them and found my old Browning HP loaded with 13 rounds (remember "Super Vel"?). He went out on the porch and fired all rounds without a hitch.

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