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Drew_CarreyAB 10-23-2005 10:17 PM

Big Boomer is Ready For Some Action!!!!!
I got out to the range this weekend and I got to do up some loads for the MZ using 460-463gr homecast bullets. I weighted out charges from 70gr to 120gr of 777FFFg and used a digital scale to find out the grain weight(measured and weighted 5 times, then used the average to go with). So after a trip in mid week I found that 100gr weighted is the bestest group to use, the 120gr loads really kicked my a$$. So anywho, I get it sighted in for 100 and I have it @ 3" high @ 100yds and I figured I'd see where it hit @ 200......BANG (ouch) and I am like 12" low at 200, I reload and readjust BANG (ouch) and I hit 4" low.....funny thing was that my MZ has a better trajectory than my handloaded .303 174gr loads (18" low @ 200) and with the MZ pushing 2.5 times the weight at a thrid the speed, that makes for some funny bedfellas????? But the KE of the MZ load should have well over the 1000ft/lbs @ 200 to cleanly take game.(I'll be using the rangefinder for most/all my shots.)

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