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kootenaykiller 12-19-2005 02:18 PM

shed project
1 Attachment(s)
anyone out there ever make anything from the sheds they find? I finally decided to try.i made this lamp last took about six hours and some serious thought.I used three 170"class muley sheds.Its a lot harder than one might think.anyone have any tips or secrets they would like to share?

DeGrush 12-20-2005 05:57 PM

Hey that's cool good job.

sdkid 12-01-2007 04:10 PM

Thats cool. I've never checked this forum before. My BIL cut a 1 inch or so chunk and hollows it out. He uses it for a neck scarf slide. Looks pretty cool.

Jonesy 12-11-2007 07:35 AM

Turned out great! I've used them for several things, candle holders, knife handles, drawer pulls, perches for birdfeeders, i've made some bolos too.

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