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hubel458 01-27-2006 11:43 AM

12GA rifle From Hell--
Visiting back here to tell you folks about a project a
few of us over on AR have completed.It is called
12GA From Hell(12Ga FH),First it is a long straight brass
12ga cartridge we made by putting rim on bmg brass and
straightening case,Two fellas has put the cartridge in
big Borchardt falling block actions, and I put mine in a
Savage 210 bolt action , with long heavy barrel and heavy stock.
In testing I got a 730 gr hard lead Dixie Terminator slug
up to 2700 fps.Here is a picture of our case next to
a regular plastic case,which we can also fire in our

gd357 01-27-2006 01:24 PM

Well, after the obligatory "Holy Crap!", two questions. One, how in the hell would you fire that thing short of something on wheels, and how well would those slugs hold together at that speed. I've had issues with the 2 3/4" slugs coming apart at short rang, and that case is significantly longer than that.;) :D


hubel458 01-27-2006 03:12 PM

gd357-- The slugs are hardened as they don't even lead the
rifling at that speed, so they stay together.
My gun is heavy and balanced good
and easy to shoot. Big thick recoil pad.
Here is picture of the Savage set up for
this case.Ed.

M.T. Pockets 01-27-2006 04:32 PM

Did you try any other types of slugs ? I'm sure that Dixie will punch a hole through whatever it hits, but were there others you considered or tried ?

I hunt in a slug zone, rifles aren't allowed. I can't help but wonder what the conservation officer would consider this one ? I'd have some explaining to do.

You've got to get a copywrite on that name, that's a good one.

hubel458 01-27-2006 05:05 PM

If your allowed rifled slug 12ga barrels like here in S Michigan
it is legal..Dixie sells loaded slugs all over, using the same
hard slugs.It is a 12 ga with brass case that is heavier than
regular brass cases,like you can get from Magtech, in a heavy barreled gun.We got barnes 3/4 oz sabot up to 3900 fps,
and all sabots in 12ga are legal in most places.12ga
chambers ran the range from 2.4 in to 3.5 inches, and now
there is a little longer one.The Dixie slug upset and turned
into flat lump in about 4 ft of hardwood slabs,but a
banded Bridger solid bullet of 750 gr went through the whole
6 ft of bundle thickness.Rob on AR one of the developers
of this, plans on using Bridgers on cape buffalo.Ed.

fabsroman 01-27-2006 06:18 PM

Something tells me that the DNR would quickly have a bill before the legislature requiring "slug" guns to use paper or plastic hulls. You can buy a shotgun type shell in .22 lr, but something tells me that a .22 lr gun isn't a shotgun. On the flip side, they could also pass legislation limiting the muzzle velocity of the firearm.

With that said, that is one cool rifle/shotgun.

hubel458 01-27-2006 06:36 PM

fabsroman-I sure they would if a huge bunch showed up
in the woods, in shotgun only deer hunting ares.
But that is no problem as you just run 2.75 or
3in regular slugs or sabot loads which fit also.
And none of guys doing this plan on deer hunting.
But plan on big game-grizzly-africa- and the big bore
shooting matches that is starting to take off.As
well as for our own fun of just being able to
accomplish 300 game in boardball.Ed.

fabsroman 01-27-2006 11:18 PM

Good point, but I think there might be a market for a gun like this until too many are sold. Imagine the selling power of it. The accuracy and range on slug guns has improved significantly over the past decade, so I wouldn't put it past someone trying to manufacturer and sell something like this.

How accurate is that gun? I would assume that it would be awesome for dangerous game. What amount of energy are you delivering with that round?

hubel458 01-28-2006 12:06 AM

fabsroman--Haven't done any shooting for groups, just
chrono work outside the back door into a backstop..
bad weather here.My top loads 11,900 ft lbs,
and Rob's toploads in the stronger Borchardt,
15,000 ft lbs.Best moderate load in mine is 730 gr at 2400
for 9300 ft lbs.Here is picture of Rob's nice Borchardt.Ed

M.T. Pockets 01-28-2006 10:57 AM

Sounds like you guys are having fun, more power to you.

hnter 01-28-2006 03:48 PM

OH MY LORD !!! :) :D :cool: ;) :eek:

That being said, I'll additionally say this..................................KUELL !!!!!!!!!! YO DUDES, THAT'S KNARLY TO DA MAX !!!!!!!!! Be a heck of a GRIZ GUN !!!!!:) :eek:

TKO 02-14-2006 02:39 AM

Wow...hurts my shoulder just looking at it. What does the recoil on that feel like?

hubel458 02-16-2006 11:44 AM

tko--It is about likeshooting a 10
lb 458 Lott rifle.Being heavy and balanced
it won't hurt as long as you hold
it tight.Ed

Duffy 02-17-2006 07:29 AM

That's just plain WOW!

hubel458 02-28-2006 09:16 AM

Duffy--Wow is the word. Very good case setup.
Here is picture of the case we fired 36 times,
sectioned to show that there is no thinning of
the sides.Not even any to measure with calipers.Ed

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