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JCM 02-25-2006 10:37 PM

Pig Hunt soon
Going on a pig hunt in Central Idaho in 2 weeks. I've never hunted them before and am looking for advice. I'll be hunting with my Bow but also have a muzzle loader available. How tough are they to hunt? How tough are they to put down? How apt are they to try to take you out? I've been told their vitals are under the shoulder. How tough is the shoulder blade to penitrate with an arrow? Any advice will be appreciated.


rick savage 02-26-2006 06:34 AM

hogs are smart and tuff, the boars grow a sheild around there neck and shoulders, and yes they are nasty be sure he is down before getting to close, ear hole is the best shot, but one right behind the shoulder is good, if your stand hunting take caution when tracking, when hunting with bow it is doubtful he will drop in his tracks, we prefer useing dogs.. i feel a little safer. good luck

JCM 02-26-2006 12:04 PM

I found this site that has a ton of information. Especially the cut away of the vitals!!

However nothing about hunt with a bow so far.

rick savage 03-31-2006 09:32 PM

how did the hog hunt go??????

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