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littleohah 04-20-2006 05:18 PM

need help
iv got a relum tornado underleaver and someone wants to buy it but i havnt got a clue what its worth iv looked every where and the net for prices but cant find any

biddy b 05-01-2006 11:36 AM

relum tornado
hi little ohah im just purchasing the relum from a buying it because it brings back memories from the days i started shooting.sadly its not worth a lot of money built in hungary and the parts were on the cheap side of paying 25 pounds for mine which is about right.their was a write up about them in airgunner i think last year.they pulled it apart to see how it worked and found it to be on the basic side of enginnering.but all the same an easy gun to maintain.

Gaven1030 08-21-2006 11:42 AM

the price dropped, I am not sure of the current price right now. try to google it.

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