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jon lynn 08-02-2007 08:05 AM

basic smoking of brisket advice
When I smoke my briskets I usually do the following:

1. marinade in GERMAN beer for a minimum of 24 hours in an air tight bag, in fridge.

2.take it out three to four hours before smoking to get the coldness out of the meat.

3.rub it with Lawerys.

4. put it on the grill in the smoker with waaaaaaaaaaay too much hickery (love that hickery).

I usually eat all 8 pounds my self over a period of time. My wife hates it, my kids think, aw well it's food.


I even tried it hickery-less, just using coals........NOBODY liked it at all. And I don't like misquete, not much of a BBQ sauce fan either, until after the meat is done..................your input please


GoodOlBoy 08-02-2007 08:24 AM

Don't see the problem. Try poking it all over with a fork before the marinade and every once in awhile I like to cover mine in a little extra cracked black pepper and some garlic (as well as the lowrys)

Can't help it if they don't know whats good buddy. :D


skeet 08-02-2007 08:26 AM

Good grief!!
NO BBQ sauce?? Good grief..ya gotta be a yankee Jon:D No BBQ sauce is just un-American!! Sounds alright to me..but I've never been much of a smoked meat fan myself as I like my pork sugar cured and my beef still pink and juicy on the inside! Not mooing! Wild game just has to be done..past the pink stage.

jon lynn 08-02-2007 08:42 AM

My turn off of BBQ sauce is from the Army. Every other menu on those little detachment sites I was on was "BBQ pork" "BBQ beef" "BBQ something" Which was always boiled meat smeared with BBQ sauce (although it was the good stuff). And let us not forget the very first MRE's, I mean they sucked reaaaaal bad, and had the same theory...BBQ meatballs, BBQ beef, BBQ.......... well you get it. But after a decade I just....................just.................CAN'T DO IT:eek:

Dom 08-02-2007 12:23 PM

Awww yaa, I know the problem Jon, that Bier will taste MUCH better if you quit diluting it in the meat!!

Sorry, couldn't resist -- anyway, just eat it all yourself, like I must do when I cook liver & heart. One idea, maybe after you bring it out of the fridge, lay it out on a plate to warm up and sprinkle some hickory marinade over it, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

DogYeller 08-02-2007 01:46 PM

The Smoker shouldn't be hotter than 225 to 250. Leave the meat in the smoker until the internal temp reaches 190. If it needs sauce it's not fit to eat.

BILLY D. 08-02-2007 01:53 PM

Hey Jon

Fix it just like corned beef. It's great braised or cooked/boiled with cabbage, side order of boiled buttered potatoes with chopped parsley, asparagus with a cheese sauce and a green salad with red onions. Yum. Yum.

And my favorite for desert, Black Forest Cake. Darn, I'm hungry. I'm gonna have a head cheese sandwich and some 'tater salad for lunch.

Bon Appetit.


GoodOlBoy 08-02-2007 05:01 PM

yeah now thats true ya gotta have tater salad, and not german tater salad good ol merican mustard style tater salad.


BILLY D. 08-02-2007 06:18 PM


Heres where we reach a fork, no pun intended, in the road. So whats wrong with German Potato Salad already?

All thats in there is 'taters, onions, vinegar and oil. Some folks also include celery, chopped fine and bacon.

I love the stuff. It is always part of our New Years Day meal along with Baked Ham. It's also our Easter Dinner.


jon lynn 08-02-2007 08:15 PM

I do the homade coleslaw when I smoke:D

And you guessed it.........the fam won't touch it.

GoodOlBoy 08-03-2007 09:08 AM

Didn't say there was a thing a thing wrong with german tater salad. Ya just dont eat it with brisket. Ya eat it with sausage, saurkraut, veinerschitzel, etc etc etc.

Brisket needs southern mustard style tater salad.


wrenchman 08-03-2007 06:18 PM

I have yoused dry rub and apple cider as a marinade with garlic and onion powder.
Beer is for drinking as the briskit is cooking real slow.

jon lynn 08-04-2007 04:24 AM


Beer is for drinking

Being in year #23 in Germany, I am WELL aware of this fact!:D

But the Germans in North Rhine Westpahllen do some nifty things with beer in cooking!

gumpokc 08-04-2007 09:59 AM

Jon, some people just don't like brisket, sad but true...however it leaves morr for you to enjoy.

on a semi-related subject, you ever been to the "old germany resturant" out on the south side of choctaw?

Dan Morris 08-04-2007 06:35 PM

Brisket/ribs...what ever, I do a dry rub and put in a ziplock on in fridge over night. Smoke for about 3 hrs at 200 deg. Use MESQUITE.....
true Tejas!!!!!!take off, wrap in foil and put on gas grill on low
for bout another 4hrs......BBQ Sauce..... a home made concoction of chile powder, onion, jalapino, garlic n salt....this is for table dousing.
Beer also goes into sauce......most goes in me!
Tater salad /red beans n green onions on the side.......dang, I just gained 3lbs....LOL

Any of you folks are over this way, you are welcome to come by....
you bring the beer.......I drink Moosehead!:cool:

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