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Adam Helmer 11-15-2007 04:40 PM

One more, Very Good Book....
I am a Revolutionary War history buff and read every book I come across on that subject. There are many good books recently and the last I read is, "1776" by David McCullough.

The book is the story of Americans in the ranks and the opposing British and Hessian troops in the first year of Washington's command of the rebel troops. The author describes American defeat after defeat until at last Washington scores his brilliant victory at Trenton and changed history.


Lilred 11-15-2007 05:32 PM

Will Amazon it this evenin...thanks Adam. Rev war books...good ones that is...are hard to come across.

DogYeller 11-15-2007 06:54 PM

If it's like the other books by McCullough, I've read, it will be very detailed and well researched. I'll look for it.

Jack 11-15-2007 09:40 PM

I was loaned an excellent book called Saratoga. Wish I could recall who wrote it.
The book gave a really excellent account of the whole Saratoga campaign.

Adam Helmer 11-16-2007 01:37 PM


Thanks for the responses. I like to read about the common soldier, his bad rations, lack of pay, and all the other privations endured that many Americans today take for granted.

Jack in upstate NY and me here in northcentral PA are in areas where a lot of French & Indian War and Revolutionary War history occured. Local history of that era is getting a lot of attention now days from local historical societies. We need to participate in reenactments to further living history. Reading about it is also nice on cold snowy days, when the woodstove is alight.

Lilred, you probably have lots of local early American history in your part of central VA.


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