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RUMLUVER 12-02-2007 09:17 PM

Ziess Conquest
I'm looking at purchasing my first Ziess Conquest 3-9x40 with Z-Plex and was wondering if anyone out here could share with me anything good, bad or ugly about these scopes. Any feedback would be great!

skeet 12-02-2007 11:33 PM

Zeiss Conquest scopes
Definitely NOT the Zeiss of the past. I'd rather have a Leupold. At least they are an American brand...and made here for the most part. Kinda like buying a Browning. You buy the name not the quality JMO

Brithunter 12-03-2007 04:33 AM

No the conquest is made in the US as I understand it. Not even sure it's available in Europe. Designed for the US market so no it's not a traditional Zeiss :rolleyes: but then again the traditional Zeiss didn't sell that well in the US as it cost too much and from what i ahve read most won't even try high quality optics as they are afraid just what they might find out.

The optics that they have been using for years are not up to scratch and in fact they have been struggling at times to see their quarry :rolleyes: hey but we can't admit that :eek: :mad:

RUMLUVER 12-03-2007 08:57 AM

I do believe also that the conquest line is made in the U.S. and designed for the american market. This is a step up in optics for me I have never looked at spending this kind of money before. But I feel it will pay it divdens in the future because more of my opportunities for shooting are starting to include more distance and less light. I am mounting it on a .260 Rouge that will be finished in Jan. I was considering Leupold because of the weight and quality and came across this Ziess for the same money. It is 2 onces heavier but I won't notice that and it has a better recticle as far as hold over and windage holds so I thought I would do some asking around.

Jack 12-03-2007 10:05 AM

The Conquest line was definitely designed for the American market. Zeiss carefully words where it's made- they say it's assembled in the US. At least that's what it said on my 3-9x40.
My opinion of the scope is very, very favorable. It's very bright and sharp from edge to edge. I thought the adjustment knobs were very well designed to be easy to use, and the adjustments were accurate and consistent.
Is it as good as the 1200$ european 30mm tube Zeiss? I doubt it. since when are 400$ scopes as good as 1200$ scopes? The real question is: is the Conquest as good as its competitors in the same price class? Like the Leupold VX-111 and the Burris Signature?
I think so.
If I were going to buy a 3-9 in the 400$ price range again, it would be the Zeiss Conquest.

skeet 12-03-2007 10:38 AM

Guys I didn't say it wasn't a good scope.. I said it isn't an American is assembled in the US(from Foreign parts)...kinda like TV's and cars. I really don't think the quality is as good as a Leupold it costs a bit more than a Leupold(comparing 3x9x40) and they are trading on their name. Some people will buy the name rather than the quality. When ya think 1000 dollar scope for 400 bucks. Y'all know it ain't happening...but some people think otherwise. Made for the American market...not sold in Europe....wonder why?? I think y'all know the reason as well as I do. Just my idle thoughts from an almost idle mind:rolleyes: :D

RUMLUVER 12-03-2007 06:25 PM

Here at home the Ziess and Leupold VXIII's are priced the same. That was another thing that cught my eye with the Ziess. As far as one being better than the other we will see I'm not expecting one to walk away from the other. The Z-plex wich is thier ball-plex set up is the best I've seen for the $530 I'm spending so how do you say it trial by fire will be the final judge.

Dan in the Delta 12-13-2007 10:45 AM

I'm late getting in on this, but thought I'd offer my opinion FWIW. I've owned a few Zeiss Conquests going back to 2001 when they first came out. I've also owned several more Leupolds going back many years, including the newer VX-III. Based on my experience with both brands I think the Conquest is a better scope. The optics are better, it tracks better, it has a better reticle and it's every bit as durable. It has more of a quality feel to it if you ask me.

The only knock I have on the Conquests is the size of the ocular bell. On most rifles this won't be a problem, but on some it can be. I mounted a Conquest on a pre-'64 model 70 once and the ocular housing interfered with the bolt handle. I ended up putting a Leupold on it.

No doubt they're both good scopes, but I think the Zeiss is the better of the two.

RUMLUVER 12-13-2007 12:42 PM

Thanks for the reply! I'm realy liking the Ziess also not that the Leupold is bad I'm just leaning the other way.

Mike Moss 04-25-2008 05:59 AM

The Conquests are somewhat larger and heavier than similar magnification Leupolds. When the 'larger' shows up most is in the diameter of the eyepiece.

The bolt handle comes close to the eye piece on a pre 64 M70. Even then its a great scope.

Leupold is a super company but their scopes are of an older design. The Conquests have better resolution and reticules that don't fade to incoming light.

Since I got my first Conquest i stopped buying Leupolds. Now I have 5 of them.

The best deals around on Zeiss is at Cameraland.

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