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Old Scout 04-09-2008 05:24 PM

Kinda Quiet
Niot much Cowboy chit-chat going on here! We are still getting and avg of 80 shooters, twicw a month at my club, 100+ once a montyh at our neigboring club.
I'm putting on an all Black Powder Cowboy match 18 May, at the RR Bar range ( ) .

GoodOlBoy 04-11-2008 10:25 AM

Yep real real quiet. I use my cowboy guns for hunting and plinking mostly nowadays. Haven't been within smellin distance of a match in months. Feel free to post pics of some of your gatherings if you want Old Scout.


Old Scout 05-05-2008 07:16 PM

I'd be happy to put up some pics, but I don't know how to do it. After our black powder shoot, maybe you can offer some assistance getting the pics up.
I don't know anything about these confuser thingy's.........

Old Scout

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