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bulletpusher 06-27-2008 08:59 AM

EMERGENCY ALERT! Mexico Military Raid a home in Phoenix, Arizona
It has been reported this morning in Houston, Texas that the Mexican Military raided into Phoenix, Arizona (125 miles inside the United States) and attacked a home. They fire more than 100 rounds into the house and killed the individual inside.

As they were leaving they set up an ambush to attack the local Police Department personel. Luckily the Phoenix SWAT unit was entering the area and attacked the ambush before it was completed.

Two vehicles were involved in the attack by Mexico and one of those vehicles was caught by the Phoenix Police, when the bad guys ran out of ammo. The other one got away, as repored by the Phoenix Police Chief on the Radio.

People it appears that we are at WAR and no one is answering the call for the defence of The United States of America.

God Help Us!


fabsroman 06-27-2008 02:55 PM

I cannot believe that this hasn't made the main stream media. Are we sure that it was the Mexican military? If it was, how the heck can they be 125 miles beyond their border and screwing up like that? IF the Phoenix SWAT was on the scene, do we have any dead Mexican military bodies as proof, or at least some detainees?

fabsroman 06-27-2008 03:02 PM

Yep, it looks like this really happened. These guys had AR-15's on them and fired between 50 and 100 rounds into the house. Thank God SCOTUS ruled the way it did on the right to bear arms. Now, maybe people will be able to shoot back. The guy who got killed might have deserved it, but it is disturbing to think that people from another country can just walk 125 miles into the US with tactical gear and AR-15's on them. I wonder if we would have noticed if it were 1,000 instead of a couple?

Rocky Raab 06-27-2008 07:17 PM

Don't jump to massive conclusions. One of the three criminals captured claimed to have a "military background." That does not translate to the Mexican Army invading Phoenix.

This was apparently a drug cartel assassination (scary enough, it is true!) but it is a LONG leap to claim the Mexican Army has invaded.

Dan Morris 06-27-2008 07:41 PM

Turf wars......drug related or a paid hit!Not jumping to background . The TW's are getting common on the fact, almost every where in the western states!

Aim to maim 06-28-2008 10:15 AM


Originally posted by Rocky Raab
Don't jump to massive conclusions. One of the three criminals captured claimed to have a "military background." That does not translate to the Mexican Army invading Phoenix.

This was apparently a drug cartel assassination (scary enough, it is true!) but it is a LONG leap to claim the Mexican Army has invaded.

Glad someone else here still knows how to read and think critically and rationally. 06-29-2008 08:11 PM

I see it as people that used their military training and access to equipment to carry out their drug war and it happened here...and I am sure they calculated a response by swat into their equation...I just wonder how so many was able to escape....Money talks no matter what country you live in. 06-29-2008 08:20 PM

Now the scary part...what if it were the Mexican Army and they were out to attack?...How did they get so far inside the border in the first place?.....Someone at the border must of been sleeping (paid) but I bet they already had their clothes, equipment on this side of the border..I am sure they didn't cross dressed in black, toting their guns....and get that far x border....but our military is can they protect American borders anyhow. It would be a good time to attack America. War without, weakness within.

DON WALKUP 06-29-2008 10:02 PM

scary stuff!

it doesn't matter whether they are mexican troops or not. that's a brazen way to do things. mexico arms their troops with FNs don't they? if these guys had just AR's (NOT m-16 with full auto capability) i would question if they were truly mexican troops. i also would think more like rocky raab...drug cartels operation.

i'm sure it will be figured out. if it turns out to be mexican troops i'd say mexico has some answering to do.

another good reason to make sure our borders are sealed.

this should be yet another "wake up" call to americans about what's taking place on and around our southern border.

i agree about the recent SCOTUS decision about the citizens right to own firearms. at least the neighbors could defend themselves if the need arose.

rattus58 06-30-2008 01:22 PM

Personally, if you crossed the border illegally, I'm wondering how come we aren't sending a 20MM into the crowds personally. We have snipers in Iraq doing 300 to 1000 yard shots with 30-06's, .308's, and the lovely .50's. Personally I'm tired of the rhetoric from all these apologists for the Mexican Government and illegals. Our country is our castle... we should have some kind of home invasion protection for our borders.

It's like pigs. Sure they are great eating (benefit to the public) but tear up crops, fields, pastures, and compete for food for our own native wildlife. Is the answer to trap and kill (the multiply worse than rabbits from adolescents... sound familiar?) or to trap and take them back to next door from where they came?

I think armed predators should be flying along the borders and just take out a few as the touch the line. An armed AC130... now that would be "spooky"... We could translocate a few of them poor california condors to the border for clean-up what's wrong with that? Then maybe we could get back to hunting again... :)

Aim to maim 06-30-2008 04:56 PM


Originally posted by
I just wonder how so many was able to escape....Money talks no matter what country you live in.
Corruption exists in U.S. law enforcement agencies, from the FBI on down. But to suggest, without one shred of evidence, that suspects were not apprehended because someone in the Phoenix Police Department is on the take, is WAAYY over the top.

Lilred 07-01-2008 05:32 AM

no comprende mucho bullscheetio amigos.....:p ;)

Rocky Raab 07-01-2008 08:50 AM

Si, PoquitoRojo!

GoodOlBoy 07-01-2008 11:05 AM

como estes frijoles?



bulletpusher 07-01-2008 12:43 PM

Whapeen Calon, PePe?

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