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Bird Hunters 06-29-2008 05:39 AM

Ballistic Tip bullets
Has anyone ever used ballistic bullets to harvest a hog? What has been your experience with the bullet if so. Was it a nice clean kill, good penetration, etc. I'm considering loading some up in .358 cal 225gr @2600fps was wanting to make sure this would do the job correctly or would the bullet likely blow up on the shoulder plate of the hog?

GoodOlBoy 06-30-2008 08:31 AM

With hogs I really prefere good old faishioned lead. A remmy core lokt comes a close second.

Never shot at one with one of my BTs. Didn't wanna tick em off.

Of course it depends on the hog. If you are shooting 300lb to 800lb feral hogs I wouldn't try it. If you are shooting 75lb javelinas go for it.


YoungBuck14 06-30-2008 02:50 PM

all i need is a place i can go hunt the hogs for free and i'd be glad to let ya know. seems like everyone that has a self proclaimed "hog problem" charges to hunt them. if they are that much of a problem i'd be letting people come hunt them but i'll eventually find someone to let me go for free

GoodOlBoy 07-01-2008 08:28 AM

The problem YoungBuck is that almost everybody with the problem has been burned by letting hunters in for free. From lawsuits to dead livestock and damaged property. A good example of a few bad sportsmen messin things up for hunters.


YoungBuck14 07-01-2008 11:54 PM

Yeah Good Ol' that for dang sure, its a prime example. I mean i don't even expect it to be free if he wants the meat he's welcome to it. I'd even be more than willing to help with a couple of chores if needed. I guess its just not the same as it used to be (even tho i'm not old enough to use that term it is fitting).

Dan Morris 07-02-2008 05:40 AM

Dang sure isn't free any more.....before I left the Abilene/Albany area and moved here, I used to hunt the Matthews, Nail ranches
and a jillion more for free....course, I grew up Joe and Ron. Even Colorado used to be a lot cheaper.
Wildlife has become a cash crop for the landowner!Plus, as GOB says, a few bad ones ruined it for the rest! Good luck in your search for even reasonable places to hunt!

LivesToHunt 01-24-2009 03:52 AM

Ballistic tips are fine for javelina, deer, and other thin-skinned animals. I agree with Good Ol Boy that ballstic tips are a poor choice for hogs. The guide I hunted with said the same thing that a ballstic tip would just piss them off.

I agree with the previous post of a few ruining it for all the rest, although the terms "sportsmen" or "hunter" is too good for them. Anyone can go out in the field with a gun and go hunting, but it takes so much more to be a hunter. I believe hunters hold themselves to a higher standard like the Safari Club International Code of Ethics to which all their members are to adhere to.

SCI Code of Ethics:
Recognizing my responsibilities to wildlife, habitat and future generations, I pledge:

To conduct myself in the field so as to make a positive contribution to wildlife and ecosystems;

To improve my skills as a woodsman and marksman to ensure humane harvesting of wildlife;

To comply with all game laws, in the spirit of Fair Chase, and to influence my companions accordingly;

To accept my responsibility to provide all possible assistance to game law enforcement officers;

To waste no opportunities to teach young people the full meaning of this code of ethics;

To reflect in word and behavior only credit upon the fraternity of sportsmen, and

To demonstrate abiding respect for game, habitat and property where I am privileged to hunt.

Hunting on a ranch or farm is a priviledge given by the generousity of the owner. I don't think any hunter can disagree with anything that is in the Code of Ethics. These people who shoot livestock and ruin crops can never be considered hunters, but a person in the field with a weapon looking for an animal to kill.

bigbrother 01-26-2009 09:43 AM

Well put.

Dutchman01 09-15-2009 04:55 PM

I hunt in the Ozark National Forest, just a few miles north of where I live. There was a time when the woods were full of hunters. Not these days. Most of the time all I see are families driving around on their four wheelers. It's gettin' kinda lonely up in those hills these days, just the way I like it. :D BTW I didn't know that bout the ballistic tips. It's a pity because they shoot really well.

Ridge Runner 10-24-2009 09:19 AM

a ballistic tip at 2600 will penetrate just as well as any other bullet, you won't have a problem, never used one on a hog but shot a bear with a 140 at 70 yards running it 3550 from an STW, hit onside shoulder and it still exited. keep impact velocity below 2800 fps and they work fine.

Jack 10-24-2009 08:31 PM

The larger bore Ballistic Tips are a little bit stiffer than the under 30 caliber ones.
I consider the under 30 caliber BT's to be wonderful deer bullets, especially in non mangle um cartridges.
My guess is that a 358 225 BT at 358 velocities would be a fine bullet for hogs.

Dutchman01 10-26-2009 08:18 AM

So, ballistic tips in my 06 reloads are good enough for the deer and bear I'm going after this fall? What are your opinions about 150 grain in 06 for bear? Is it just too light?

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