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Tater 09-20-2008 07:58 AM

Well, we were gonna head up today and scout one last spot before the season. Only problem is it's at the top of the highest point for about 2 miles in any direction and we got thunderstorms rolling through:mad: So, instead of wasting the gas to drive up there only to be driven down the mountain by lightning we're gonna hold off until next weekend:( How's the weather in your neck of the woods?

Dan Morris 09-20-2008 08:23 AM

Sunny, supposed to be in the 70's......gonna mow and weedeat ... hopefully for the last time this year! Gonna go through
hunting totes and see what need to be replaced.
Cold front moving from the Utah area.

Tater 09-20-2008 10:23 AM


Gonna go through hunting totes and see what need to be replaced.
I need to do the same thing. I haven't hunted in a few years so I'm sure there's a few items that need to be replaced. I guess I'll do it today since I'm not going anywhere.

Dan Morris 09-20-2008 09:30 PM

Did the above, 28 days till we leave. Went to sone of Skeets garage sales and picked up a Brinkman Smoke n Grill for $10...
new in box. Got a thick chunk of cow on it...cook all nite.
Front blew in....bout 45 n raining.

BILLY D. 09-21-2008 12:20 AM

High 70's today, same tomorrow, chance of rain Monday and 60°, Tuesday back in the 70's and clear.

I could handle this till March, but it ain't gonna happen. I hope they are wrong about the natural gas prices this winter, otherwise I'll have to cut the thermostat back to 60° and start burning the furniture. :eek:

I pray for global warming. :rolleyes:

Best wishes, Bill

Dan Morris 10-01-2008 07:28 AM

10/01/08.....nites are in mid 40s....days....down here are in 70s.
Talked with RCASR yesturday....says it's nice where we are going.
15 more days till we leave.......won't be the first time I've hunted in

MtnMike2 10-01-2008 11:08 AM

Mild where I'm going for elk too! I expect nights about freezing and days in the 50s. I have 1st Rifle - leave on the 10th. Can't wait... need to pack this weekend.


Dan Morris 10-03-2008 09:21 PM

SNOW n COLD predicted in hills this weekend.....Mike n others should have a decent hunt! Ifn you can trust the weather man

Good huntin folks......see ya in the 1st combined season!

Dan Morris 10-05-2008 08:41 PM

Rain Down Here
As of 735 MST, it's 43 n raingng....for 3 hours. Mike and others shold have colder and snow to move some animals! I'm at 5500K...they are 8700+
Good hunting guys, I've got 10 more days!:(

MtnMike2 10-07-2008 01:00 PM

Thanks Dan. I'll take some warm clothes for sure. Should be good. Perfecto would be to set up spike camp before it snows, then get a few inches so we can see the fresh tracks. A little cold could have 'em moving around more. We'll see....


Dan Morris 10-07-2008 09:08 PM

Mike, good luck...we will be goin up the 16th to establish camp/recon n loaf!

MtnMike2 10-08-2008 01:11 PM

Dan - good luck to you too (and everybody on HC hunting in the coming seasons)! We can compare notes afterwards.


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