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MtnMike2 09-22-2008 01:07 PM

No Deer but Fish
Just finished a week of hunting and fishing in the mountains (Grand Mesa) and now have to go back to work :(
I'm going to have to change my tactics if I want to get a good Mulie. I was hunting for one w/ a good rack. The only shot I had was on a running buck I jumped. I need to either learn to raise my muzzle loader and shoot fast or get permission from a private land owner to hunt on their land. Seems like the bucks go to the private land as soon as even muzzle loaders start going off. Oh well...
I did some fine fly fishing though. Caught a nice brown trout (18") in the Gunnison and fished some high alpine lakes on the Mesa for cutthroats. Didn't watch any tv, listen to any radio or see any newspapers.
Now back to reality.... what a drag.


gd357 09-29-2008 05:55 PM


Where were you at? I was up there myself last week.;)


MtnMike2 09-30-2008 10:03 AM

Hi gd357,
I was on the north side of the Grand Mesa, near Powderhorn Ski Resort. I hunted on the north slope, then up around the Long Slough area, and finally up on top. Jumped some bucks, but no walking / standing shots. Saw big bucks down near Cedar Ridge and the town of Mesa. The open range grazing of cattle on top can be pretty distracting.....


grayghost 10-03-2008 08:21 PM

Can you get back when the rut starts?

gd357 10-04-2008 01:45 PM


I was on the south side of the mesa near Kinnon (sp?) Flats, and down to the west in the White River national forest. pretty area, saw quite a few deer, elk, and bear - even a moose.


MtnMike2 10-07-2008 12:54 PM

Grayghost - I wish I could! Work gets in the way.... but going elk hunting this weekend in NW CO!

GD - very cool! Many bear? I'm interested in hunting black bear in CO. Saving up pref pts for maybe a RFW hunt.


gd357 10-07-2008 10:13 PM

Saw 5 bears in a 3 day period. Had a 250-300lb boar at 20 yards broadside. No tag...:rolleyes:


MtnMike2 10-08-2008 01:05 PM

That's how it goes... you see 'em when you can't shoot 'em. They must sense it somehow :)
Sounds like a good amount of bears in that region - I might have to look into that. Thanks for the info!


grayghost 10-21-2008 01:24 PM

Good luck with the Elk Mike.

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