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Mr. 16 gauge 08-25-2009 09:22 PM

If you could have just one powder......
O.K., if you could have just one powder to reload all the calibers that you reload for, which one would it be?

I just got done looking through my database, and for me the choice would be IMR 4064....I have accurate loads for everything that I load for using this powder (.223, .30/30, .308, 30-06, 6.5 Swede).

For handguns, the choice would be Unique (.380, 9mm, .38 Super, .38 special, .357, & .44 mag). Definetly would limit my hunting abilities with the magnums, but would still keep 'em shooting.

Ol` Joe 08-25-2009 11:11 PM

Unique covers the pistols just fine, the rifles though....

I`d say I could go with one of the 4350s if it wasn`t for the 223. I guess Varget or H4895 would be possible one powder do it alls if I`ve no other choice.

Rapier 09-25-2009 10:31 AM

If push comes to shove you can load just about everything with Unique. 25 ACP to 458 Winchester. By any other name, it would still be very Unique.

bulletpusher 09-25-2009 01:48 PM

If you check through most of the loading manuals, Varget is probably one of the most universally usable powders anywhere.

It will will work in all of the .223 size cases, all of the .308 size cases, all of the .30-06 cases, and even all of the cases in the class of the 6.5mm sweed, 7mm-57, .257 Roberts, ect., ect.

Every cartridge that I've tried it in it has improved the shootablity using a little less powder and improved accuracy.

My best friend and I have personally used it in the .308, .30-06, .270 and .25-06 with excellent results.

Are there other powders out there that will work, yes absolutely right there are, but Varget seems to meet the needs and requirements of almost every non magnum cartridge in existence.

Just a little thought on the subject for grins.

skeet 09-25-2009 03:55 PM

4064 and Unique have my vote..
[QUOTE=Mr. 16 gauge;331763] I just got done looking through my database, and for me the choice would be IMR 4064....
For handguns, the choice would be Unique (.380, 9mm, .38 Super, .38 special, .357, & .44 mag). ]

I would have to agree. Unique is soooo useable and the 4064 will cover the uses is many different rifle calibers.

Joe Boleo 09-26-2009 05:49 AM

It depends
Unique comes to mind and I use it for a lot of loads. I would have to add IMR4895 and would be just fine. Take care...

Jack 09-26-2009 09:34 AM

I'd vote for Unique as the most universal pistol powder. For rifles, the aforementioned 4064, 4895, and Varget would be good choices. So would AA 2520.
I once tried to winnow down the number of powders I used. That project got abandoned rather quickly. I think you'll find that one or more of your firearms just doesn't like whatever powder you've chosen as your universal powder, and that performance is compromised in some others.

Rocky Raab 09-26-2009 09:55 AM

If I could have just one kind of powder ...

I'd have to get rid of about 75!

popplecop 09-26-2009 11:48 AM

Unique for pistol, varget for rifle. If only one would have to be 4227 as it will cover some of my handguns and my 45-70s, which I hunt with the most.

Skinny Shooter 09-26-2009 06:21 PM

VARGET for rifle.

dovehunter 09-27-2009 09:08 PM

In my case it would be a no-brainer for shotshell & handguns: Unique. For rifles it would be harder but, considering what I reload for, I could probably live with 4064 for everything.

spike1 10-04-2009 01:24 AM

I only use Hodgdon H4895 for all my rifles and Bullseye for all my handguns. They perform well and look different so you can't screw them up

model8 11-14-2009 09:58 PM

i gotta say 4064 i can load my 32 rem my 30-30 my 06 and most others with it not totally universal but close enought for me

Catfish 11-15-2009 09:07 PM

I hope you are kidding! :eek::eek::eek:

Evan03 11-13-2010 10:50 PM

covers the 2506 220 3006 270 22/250 the 22hornet throughs a curve in there ill just get rid of that caliber

right now i have about 8 powders on the bench and each calibers seems to prefer something difrent

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