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Adam Helmer 01-21-2010 02:28 PM

My Favorite Woods Loafing Handgun.
We all have favorite handguns for woods walking, or loafing. My dog demands woods walks daily and we still have a few resident bears trekking about. We also have porkys, coons and coyotes roaming about.

My FAVORITE carry gun afield is a Ruger .41 Magnum SA revolver. It has a 6-inch barrel and likes my SWC cast handloads. I like the .41M because it leaves my hands free afield to drag down logs for the woodstove. I prefer the Ruger in Summer as well because I did get a few shots last year at chucks and two coyotes are wiser for the experience. Oh, well, they gave me sport.


gold40 01-21-2010 03:42 PM

My woods, and walks, are much tamer than Adam's....

My "WOODS WALKER" is a 1950's S&W .22 Masterpiece (K-frame) with a 4" barrel. Its almost identical fo the famous K-22 except for the shorter barrel. It was made before S&W adopted model numbers, but I think it would otherwise be a Model 18. Usually its in an IWB leather holster.

I have two bird dogs that require daily exercise...which also helps keep me in shape.


Mr. 16 gauge 01-21-2010 08:01 PM

Usually mine is a Ruger Standard Mk II .22 LR pistol that I have slightly modified (wood grips and a set of Millet adjustable target sights).
.....if a bigger caliber is warranted, then I prefer my Colt Trooper Mk III in .357 magnum with a 6 inch barrel and pachmyr grips.

GoodOlBoy 01-22-2010 08:26 AM

Mine is a Ruger GP100 with a 6" barrel. With 158grain SJSPs, and dead on accuracy I can take small porkers, rabbits, deer, etc with it.


popplecop 01-22-2010 08:29 AM

Mine of all things is an old Ruger Bearcat from the late 50s, or if I want something a little larger it's a Ruger Single Six in 32H&R Mag. Also have Ruger SAs in 357 50th Aniversery, or a 44 mag. These cover the bases for me.

buckhunter 01-22-2010 11:48 AM

I have 2. A model 18-2 S&W and a Model 66 with a 6" barrel.
The model 18-2 is a 22 with a 4" barrel and the 66 is a 357 Mag.

skeet 01-22-2010 08:16 PM

Walkin around guns
I usually carry my Wilson Combat 45 auto most of the time...but in the summer around the ranch I carry a 45 single action loaded with 2 shot loads and 3 255 gr SWC over 8 grains of Unique. For some unknown reason I keep finding Single Action revolvers in 45 Colt..usually at very fair prices and usually not shot very much. More gun acquisitions in another AAG post. BTW that load shoots to point of aim(out to about 25 yds anyway) in 2 of those 45s..And they are both cheap copies of the Colt

Catfish 01-23-2010 07:38 AM

I never know what I`m going to carry to the woods untill I walk out the door. It may be anything from a .22 rimfire to a .500 S&W, or even a rifle. It all depends on what I think I might run into and at what distance the shots might be.

Tater 01-23-2010 05:06 PM

Mine is my 4" S&W GP100 .357. Nice and light and it shoots nice.

gold40 01-24-2010 02:56 PM


We all make accidental typo's from time to time....

Was your GP100 really made by S&W ???

Tater 01-24-2010 06:17 PM

Nope, as a matter of fact it wasn't. Not exactly sure where my head was on that:confused:

Dan Morris 01-24-2010 06:52 PM

4" Smith M19 or a 4" M28....just depends which belt rig I pack...both are River Rigs by Hume.

wrenchman 01-24-2010 09:21 PM

gp100 is my walk around gun i also carry my ccw gun bulg mark 9/18 when i leave the gp100 home

rainydays 01-25-2010 09:21 AM

Mine is a H&R model 999 Sportsman.:)

akbound 05-22-2011 07:58 PM

Mine varies so much I'd be hard pressed to name one. There is always either a KelTec P-32 or a KelTec P3AT in my trouser pockets, (depending whether I'm around the house in shorts or out and about in full length trousers) that is on me in the woods as well. But nearly anytime I step out the door there will be something more substantial on my belt as well.

It might depend upon what I'm doing primarily, or where I'll be, or even just on a whim to try a "new holster/belt" or digging something out of the bottom of the safe just to "give it some love and sunshine" ;)!

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