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Mr. 16 gauge 01-23-2010 11:44 AM

Handguns that you rarely shoot?
I'm not talking about safe queens here.....guns that are bought for 'investment' or will depreciate in value if they are fired, or rare, 'one of a kind' pieces....

What I'm talking about are guns that you own and shoot occasionally, but for one reason or another they don't seem to go on too many trips to the range in the course of a year.

For my, it would have to be my 1920's commercail P-08 Luger. I like the gun, it isn't particularly 'valuable' (esp. when compared to other Lugers), and it shoots fairly accurately, but................'s not a 9mm; it's a .30 Luger!

ammo is extremely expensive and difficult to find! Last box of Winchesters I bought were over $1/round:eek:, and the price has gone up considerably since then. There are no FMJ 93 grain .30 cal bullets for it, reloading data is scare as hen's teeth, and the gun tends to eject the cases forward of the shooter, meaning I loose a great deal of brass if I shoot it at an indoor gun range.:(

popplecop 01-25-2010 09:34 AM

I have some oldder S&Ws 5 screw models in very good to excellent. I do shoot them but rarely, if I'm going to shoot revolvers I usually grap my SA Rugers. One exception is my old S&W Chiefs Special, shoot that with light loads at times.

Adam Helmer 01-25-2010 10:35 AM

Mr. 16 gauge,

I have a few old Colts and Smiths that get out to the range very rarely. My duty guns are getting all my attention these days.


GoodOlBoy 01-25-2010 10:47 AM

lol I have an old Lorcin 380 my folks bought me when I started going to college. It shoots a pie pan at 10 feet, beyond that its a crap shoot. It jams about every third round or so. I think the last time I actually shot it was in 1999. I am just waiting for some local police department to start up a gun buyback program so I can sell it to them for junk. It has been locked in the bottom of the safe for 10+ years now.


buckhunter 01-25-2010 11:55 AM

a bunch of AR's. Figure they will double in value over the next few years.

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