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ColoHunter 03-07-2010 10:00 PM

Good day shed hunting!
My youngest son (Arlan) and I went out yesterday looking for sheds and checking out some country I have not been in since 1988. It was great telling him stories and showing him the country my dad, brother, and I use to trap and hunt rabbits in back in the 80's before the road closures.

We seen lots of deer and found a few sheds. I also have discovered that a lot of elk have moved into this country and even seen one nice bull. All in all a wonderful day spent out in the woods with my son.

The first shed of the day (spotted by Arlan)

Arlan with some of the sheds he found including a nice fresh brown with blood on the base.

The only shed I found !

Arlan and his friend coming out of the last big canyon

skeet 03-08-2010 10:24 AM

Well as they say
Hunt with your son rather than hunting for him.. Good day in the field. Shed hunting here is getting pretty slim..specially for elk sheds. D#$%*()&%$%M wolves Glad ya had a good day my friend. Nice pics too.

ColoHunter 03-10-2010 12:08 AM

Thanks and you are absolutely correct when it comes to the kids. Mine have been hunting, fishing, camping, and playing in the outdoors with me since they were born. :D

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