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colonyfirearms 05-20-2010 01:47 PM

25 wssm
My new toy is a AR 15 25WSSM 24" barrel
Does anyone have any suggestion on a load.
I have some 117 gr spitzer point boat tail.

Rapier 05-21-2010 11:55 AM

Try this site and do a search for the 25 WSSM at the top right:

Perfect Union is "the site" for the ARs and Minis, there is quite a few posts that come up on the 25 WSSM. Based on what I read sounds like the WSSM in the AR-15 is the AR-10 killer. But the main problem with the AR-10 is weight and I can attest to that, in the T version it is a heavy brute. has about a dozen loads for the 25 WSSM posted there, including some 117gr loads.

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