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GoodOlBoy 05-24-2010 02:10 PM

38 special trailboss loads
I loaded up 50 rounds of 38 special using cbc brass (magtech) a remington small pistol primer, a lasercast 158gr rnfp bullet, and a custom measure of trailboss.

Trailboss was measured using a cut down 38 special case with a piece of brass rod soldered (badly I might add) to the side of it. I cut the case off to approx 1/16th below the base of a loaded lasercast 158gr rnfp lead bullet.

The loads were mild, but not so much so that I would consider them anything other than a good cowboy load. Accuracy was outstanding. They were test fired from a Ruger gp100 6" stainless revolver, and a Ruger blackhawk 4 5/8ths stainless revolver. The first group (with the gp100) from 9 yards shot a very tight three hole cloverleaf in a 1x4 with one round on the 7 oclock 1/4inch out, one round at the 6 oclock 1/4 inch out, and a pulled round that was at the 1 oclock 2 inches out from center of group. The next six rounds were fired from the blackhawk by a different shooter. The first four widened my cloverleaf to the size of a quarter. The shooter then jerked one at the 12 oclock 2 inches high, and one at the 9 oclock 1 inche out from center.

The only complaint would be that the trailboss powder was a wee bit dirty out of the revolvers. A good bit of carbon, but everything whiped off with no scrubbing, and we burned the rest of the 50 rounds shorteneing the 1x4 by about 8 inches.

Two rounds fired by myself entered the 1x4, exited, entered the old smoker we were using as a target stand, penetrated the side, blew a support out of the inside and left the opposite side of the smoker.

All in all alot of fun, mild enough not to tear up your ears, and accurate enough that I don't need another 38 load.

As a aside the last three rounds of the loads I had made up I used to shoot three different splinters off wood less than 1/4inch wide each off of the board from 15 yards. SO if I do my job my ruger and that load will darned sure do its job.


Adam Helmer 05-24-2010 04:47 PM


Are you saying you do NOT use a scale and powder measure to drop your powder charges? Do you have a powder scale and powder measure? Do you use them? How many grains of Trailboss is your cutoff .38 Special case dropping?


skeet 05-24-2010 07:52 PM

Trail Boss
Pretty certain you can use a case full and not get near a dangerous load. But mainly for use with cast boolits

GoodOlBoy 05-25-2010 08:00 AM

Skeet hit the nail on the head. You can actually load a case to overflowing with trailboss and press a bullet in and you get a dud because it doesn't burn well compressed. It is what attracted me to it. Yes I have a scale, yes I have powder measures. But since trailboss isn't listed on any of the lee info for their powder measure kit, and since I can safely load it the way I am I do. I would NEVER suggest ANY other powder be loaded this way, but trailboss can.


Mike Venturino reported in GUNS magazine that even with a double charge Trail Boss won***8217;t reach proof load pressures. That may well make this the safest powder available. With most other powders, especially spherical powders, double or even triple loads will fit inside the case without spilling over.
A double load with trailboss in ANY case runs the case over badly (I mean a danged mess all over the place). Then there is the fact that with its bulk even if you could fit a double load in (and you can't) You still wouldn't be over the preassure limit for any give caliber.

Anyway IMR Trailboss rocks for what I am using it for. Love that little doughnut shaped powder.


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