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petey 07-23-2010 10:29 AM

42 pound Amberjack
2 Attachment(s)
Went out with Hoodini Charters here in the OBX this week, while on vacation. Hooked up on a 42 lb amberjack. They sure are a fighting fish. The main target was billfishing, maybe a dolphin or wahoo. This was a stop along the way at a navy tower in the water. We each got our amberjack (party of 5) in about 30 mins total. Good thing we stopped here. 40 miles of trolling in 8 hrs and not a single billfish strike. Just one 12' hammerhead hit our teaser and a wahoo strike that didn't hook up. It was a good day though...that's fishing. Came back with 153lb of fish, 45 lbs of meat. Local shops were selling it for $12.99/lb so not a bad day.

MtnMike2 07-23-2010 10:40 AM

Nice fish. Congratulations. Should be some good eatin'....:D


fabsroman 07-23-2010 09:10 PM

Nice story and it sounds like one heck of a great day. However, I cannot see the pics. All I get is the dreaded red X.


I can finally see the pics. Had I known you had to use the fighting chair for that 42 pound fish, I would have been busting your chops about it. LOL All in all, a very nice fish.

Nulle 07-28-2010 09:34 AM

Lucky dog I got a different boat - kind of like the one your on and been fighting the fixing part on it all summer but think it is ready to go now.

Jack 07-28-2010 11:31 AM

Nice. Petey !

muledeer 07-28-2010 06:40 PM

Yes nice fish!! I use to live in Southern Kalif and went surf and deep sea fishing alot. The last ocean fishing I did was in Alaska a few years ago for Kings and Halibut. Man I really miss fishing the ocean, but not enough to move back to the Republic of Kali. Reno is home!!

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