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Dan Morris 09-03-2010 08:22 PM

Forget the Mourning Dove
50 degree nights and a lo of 41 last nite have sent the MD a lil furthur south for me. Still have the Eurasian Collared around....this year, in Co, they are huntable year round and an unlimited bag. Got projects all weekend...I'll try em next weekend.Happens every dang season...LOL

GoodOlBoy 09-03-2010 09:16 PM

Sounds more than a bit like me an squirrel the last couple of year man. Seems like everything and everyone tries to keep me out of the woods during season.


popplecop 09-06-2010 08:58 AM

Same here as far as the cooler weather goes, but still have some MD left. I haven't even made it out yet. Which amounts to a large saveing of ammo for me.

FIJI 09-06-2010 01:57 PM

save me a few
"they are huntable year round and an unlimited bag"

and MI doesnt even have a season :mad:

rainydays 09-06-2010 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dan Morris (Post 337729)
50 degree nights and a lo of 41 last nite have sent the MD a lil furthur south for me. Still have the Eurasian Collared around....this year, in Co, they are huntable year round and an unlimited bag. Got projects all weekend...I'll try em next weekend.Happens every dang season...LOL

To bad you haven't been able to make it out. We've got alot of birds in the area this year. Been able to get out nearly everyday after work for an hour or so before dark. Its been great. Lots of shooting, and my little girl lab hasn't missed finding a downed bird yet.:)

Dan Morris 09-06-2010 07:18 PM

Glad someone is getting good shooting.............went to a couple of BBQ's and spent 10 minutes in a Jefco Dui check line Sat nite.......ole goat had a gut feeling n only drank water that nite! Ever sence Co enacted the .04 law, I do not sip n migrate.

dovehunter 09-06-2010 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dan Morris (Post 337754)
Glad someone is getting good shooting...

Amen to that! After seeing a grand total of 5 doves in two days of hunting I am wondering if the durn things are becoming extinct around here.


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