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Nulle 11-26-2010 11:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I had a fun day with 3 sharptails and one ruffed grouse. Cold as heck but what else are you going to do waiting for the turkey to get done in the slow Brinkman smoker ?

rainydays 11-26-2010 06:47 PM

A nice way to spent Thanksgiving. Some nice birds there. I should have gone out but to busy plowing snow. We did make it out today and had a great day busting snowbanks and shooting roosters. Bet that turkey was pretty darn tasty when it came out of the brinkman.:)

Valigator 11-28-2010 06:56 AM

Looking at that fire would warm me up...

Nulle 11-30-2010 09:31 AM

Welcome back to the site dear lol

Valigator 11-30-2010 07:10 PM

thanks Nulle I forgot what a breath of fresh air this place always has been ..not good to tangle with the pervs so much and not take a break once in a while....

Tater 12-02-2010 07:09 PM

Nulle: looks like a pretty productive day. Nice looking birds

Val: welcome back

popplecop 12-02-2010 07:39 PM

Aw Nulle, got stuck taking my duck hunting buddy from SW La. deer hunting. Would have rather been bird hunting. Looks like you had a great hunt. Also welcome back Val, you were missed.

Nulle 12-03-2010 08:09 AM

I want to get back to Aberdeen again before the season ends for some pheasants but man it snows everyday up there.

popplecop 12-03-2010 03:52 PM

Waiting for the snow now, supposed to get 3-5"s tonight, at least they downed it a little. Older I get the less I like it. Realize that we need it for agriculture, but doesn't make me like it any better.

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