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kt 12-20-2010 01:41 PM

New 700 sps
well being that i have always just shot one of pops lever guns i finally splurged and bought a remingt 700 sps ss in 308. besides the obvious putting a scope and a sling on is there anything else that should be tended to with a brand new rifle? Any advice is great.

Larryjk 12-20-2010 02:52 PM

kt, On a new rifle make sure the front and back trigger-guard screws are tight. No so tight your eyes bug out, but tight. I would also clean the barrel to make sure it gets started out that way. Just for the heck of it, place the rifle on safe with no shell in the chamber, and see if the safety works. Then do a few practice pulls on the trigger to get used to it. Get out the owners manual and read it from front to back. (Maybe that should be the first thing to do.)

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