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Gil Martin 12-30-2010 05:54 AM

Savage rifles, again
It was cold yesterday when I went to the range to sight in a Savage Model 11 in .243 Winchester. This rifle came off the used gun rack last week and all I did was clean the rifle, put on a 3-9X scope and load up some 85 grain bullets ahead of IMR4350. I started at 50 yards and fired two shot groups to adjust the scope. In no time I was in the bull and the sighter rounds were touching on the paper. I was very impressed and getting cold so I stopped shooting and came home. I have several Savage bolt actions and all of them are very accurate rifles. All the best...

Nulle 12-30-2010 09:37 AM

I have one in the 7mm mag and it is the same way = tack driver and used when I got it also.

skeet 12-30-2010 09:57 AM

I've had a few and all were pretty accurate..cept one..It had a bedding problem that took a whole 40 minutes to fix. The only used rifle i have ever bought that was not acceptably accurate was a Rem 700 that just wouldn't shoot. Some as Gil said..just clean 'em and they are usually pretty good to go. I have a couple of Savage ML-10s that are accurate..well one is. The other is unfired so far. A muzzy that will shot in an inch and a half at 150 yds is pretty good in my opinion. I shot a coyote at about that distance a week ago and that 250 gr bullet just destroyed the sucker. I have a Rem 700 in 280 I just mounted a scope on to sell. Bore sighted it last night. Gun has a bit of road rash from being carried. Bet it shoots. Used guns are usually a bargain. Good on you Gil

Adam Helmer 12-30-2010 12:38 PM


I like Savage Rifles and own a few. My M110 .270 Winchester dropped by last buck. Two days ago the .25-06 "Tora Bora" drilled a 10-shot sting into .625 inches at 100 yards.


jon lynn 12-30-2010 03:04 PM


check your PM please

Catfish 12-31-2010 09:26 AM

I`m a Savage fan too. If I find one that I think is to cheap I buy it. I bought 2 of them befor I even ask waht caliber they were. I like them becahse they are so easy to head space and even the bolt faces are easy. I can switch barrels myself. I have found that they will shoot better if you bed the action, but so far all of them have had good hunting accuracy.

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