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MtnMike2 02-02-2011 03:33 PM

New Army Rifle?

This article seems to lack specs.
What do you think?


Skinny Shooter 02-03-2011 05:35 AM

The link didn't work for me.
Is this the article?

Rapier 02-03-2011 02:49 PM

It is my understanding that AFSOC has decided to buy the SCAR. In the internet data they are shown to have only purchased the 7.62 H model but I understand they have also bought the L model as well, for their special ops folks.

I have handled the H and L versions of the SCAR and they are interesting. But the amazing thing about the SCAR is its apparent ability to out shoot the M-4 in a real fast acquisition contest, as many as three shots to one on a carry and shoot, shoot out. For what ever reason they are very fast on target. I have had two spl ops folks tell me that is a very real characteristic of the SCAR.

The Spl Ops folks are in many move and shoot fast situations, so the SCAR makes sense.

MtnMike2 02-03-2011 04:21 PM

SS - that's the one. Sorry, I might be insert-link challenged.

Interesting what Rapier is saying. Seems to me that acquisition would be a matter of optics and quicker handling weapon. M4 w/ good optics is hard to beat. Larger caliber seems to me would make it a better battle rifle but didn't expect faster acquisition...


Rapier 02-03-2011 05:53 PM

That was why I mentioned what I was told about CQB and CQC situations. We at times carried Car-15s in Vietnam and they were very fast, I would think very much like an M-4 but I am told the same story by two folks, that the SCAR is a two to three shot to one in CQC or CQB wnen compared to the M-4 on a first shot basis. Oddly enough the guys did not know why either, just that after timing they were that much faster, their time VS their time. Believe me, I asked why.

I did not mention the tinker toy aspect of the gun, but it looks like a "make what you want" kind of battle rifle, assault rifle, machinegun, subgun, grenade launcher, SAW, etc, etc. It sorta looks like if you had a gun and a footlocker full of parts you could almost make an airplane out of it.;)

MtnMike2 02-04-2011 12:35 PM

Thanks Ed. Good link - good post!


Adam Helmer 02-04-2011 03:00 PM


I checked out the links, but did not see any specs on a New Army Rifle. I suppose I am "link challenged." WHAT caliber is the XM-25? If it is .308, then I say it took the "Head Shed" long enough to come to its understanding! LOL.


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