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Mr. 16 gauge 04-14-2011 05:54 PM

"coon cuff" question...
Anybody here use them? I like the idea that they are "dog proof", but are they skunk proof as well?
Pricey little gizmos, but I might consider giving them a try, esp. on state land were there is a lot of bird dog activity.
Thanks in advance........

popplecop 04-15-2011 08:08 AM

Boy there is an interesting question. My off hand guess is they are not, but have been away from trapping for a number of years.

Mr. 16 gauge 05-04-2011 04:59 PM

I posted this question on a few trapping specific message boards and I am being told that they are, indeed, coon specific.
Kinda pricey (compared to some other traps), but I might get a couple of 'em to try.

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