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Mr. 16 gauge 10-12-2011 07:18 AM

Moose hunting questions
Hey all;
I'm Looking for some input....I have always wanted to do a moose hunt (its on teh bucket list), but lately my searches haven't really panned out....I kinda planned on going to Newfoundland and combining it with a caribou hunt, but now there is a lot of talk as to how they are planning on closing the season on woodland caribou. I really don't want to pay for something like that, and then not end up with a 'boo tag.
So I looked into going to's closer (just to the north of me; I'm in MI), but they want a MINIMUM of 4 hunters (most places), and I will most likely be going by myself (I have friends who hunt, but they don't like to spend money to do it like I do!:D). Too make things worse, they only have one bull tag for the 4 hunters; the rest have to fill cow/calf tags.
I know MT & WY have moose and moose seasons, but from what I understand, the draw is pretty difficult, esp. for out of state hunters.J have also heard that the wolves have done a number on the moose population around Yellowstone and the surrounding areas.
I also checked into Alaska, but the outfitters I looked at were charging in the neighborhood of $20,000 per hunt, and that just doesn't fit into my budget.:(
I was wondering if anyone out there has hunted moose with an outfitter, and were did you go? If anyone has an outfitter they would recommend, I would be interested in looking at there info (webpage, brochure, ect). Thanks in advance........

buckhunter 10-12-2011 08:07 AM

Mr 16, I understand that the Woodland heard is in trouble but the Moose population in Newfoundland is high and stable. If you just want to hunt moose that is where I would go. It's almost like picking out the one you want to shoot. It has to be outfitted and the guide's are really good for the most part.

If you drive it it would be a awesome trip.

blacktail 10-12-2011 08:14 PM

newwfoundland would be a shoe in for moose but you could also try Alberta as well

toxic111 10-13-2011 12:58 PM

Saskatchewan & BC also have good populations of moose. No idea on the outfitted cost. If I was after a big bull I would head to BC

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