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Joe Boleo 01-28-2012 07:04 AM

Mi Carbine prices
The hang tag prices that I have seen recently on M1 Carbines have been amazing. The CMP gets some M1 Carbines in on occasion at reasonable prices and tends to sell out of them almost immediately. A local gun auction sold a well used M1 Carbine for $1,000.00. I was in a gun shop this week and they had two M1 Carbines. One was a Standard Products with most of the metal finish missing and was $525.00. Right next to it was a mint Inland carbine with original bayonet, G.I. pouch and magazines for the same price. I put it on layaway. I hate it when that happens. Take care...

Jack 01-28-2012 09:26 AM

At the last few gun shows I've been to, I've been stunned by the prices of M1 carbines. Every one hovers around the $1,000 mark.

dovehunter 01-28-2012 10:39 AM

I've always wanted one since I was a kid but have never been able to justify the going prices. I was at a local gunsmith's a couple of years back when a guy was picking one up that he bought (as I recall) through the Director of Civilian Marksmanship program. As I recollect, he said he paid $550 for it and it was in very good shape. I remember thinking at the time that that wasn't too bad of a price. However, as Jack said, the prices I have seen lately at gun shows and at the local gun shops would nearly give you a heart attack - all up near the $1000 mark and on some really well-used guns. This is too rich for my blood, particularly for a gun that isn't much more than a high-priced plinker at best (I still love them though).

Kirkned 01-31-2012 08:11 PM

I remember them selling for $25.00 and my dad telling me that it was too much for and old surplus weapon. :rolleyes:

How the times have changed and it ain't for the better I'm affraid.

Adam Helmer 02-01-2012 10:14 AM


In the mid-1960s Carbines were going for about $75 in my area of PA. In 1965, I got a DCM Carbine through the NRA for $17.50 and $2.50 postage. Later that year I got a second DCM Carbine for the same price. Yea, I should have bought gold. LOL!


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