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Dan Morris 05-28-2015 08:47 PM

Interesting Occurance
A legal coyote hunter shot a coyote up by Kremmling....where we used to didn't look quiet right so he contacted local warden who gave the carcass to USFW....after DNA tests, they have determined it to be a Grey Wolf.
I thought I had heard and spotted several in the past!
Gonna be real interesting how they treat they swear there ain't no
wolves there and any one whut says different is nuts.:rolleyes:

Gil Martin 05-29-2015 03:07 AM

That is interesting
I have passed through Kremmling on my way to go deer and elk hunting in Steamboat Springs. Thanks for the story. All the best...

Adam Helmer 05-29-2015 12:17 PM


Very interesting post. The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) has documented that our PA coyotes are part Canadian wolf. It seems that the coyotes migrated into PA and crossbred along the way.

Our PA coyotes are far larger than Western coyotes. I have shot several and all were over 50 pounds.


FromBearCreek 05-29-2015 12:30 PM

Neat! We'll be hunting blackpowder season up in the Gore Pass area just west of there, I'll keep my ears open for howling.

Dan Morris 05-29-2015 01:04 PM

Ward, west of Gore, up High Rock Rd is where we were several years ago
when I swore I heard this. Also, in fresh snow, tracks were about three times
bigger than a coyote.....this was toward Lynx Pass area.
Good hunting!

FromBearCreek 05-29-2015 02:15 PM

I've hunted up on the High Rock Creek and Farnham Creek drainages rather a lot. I've spent some time around Whiskey Creek too, south of the highway. I've always liked that country.

My loyal sidekick Brian and I will be bumming around up there in blackpowder season this year, looking for some freezer-fillers.

Dan Morris 05-29-2015 06:41 PM

FWIW, east of High Rock I've encountered a number of Moose. Wife and myself have made sightings south of highway....just west of Blacktail. Funny, today a lot of locals say they have seen em for years!

FromBearCreek 05-30-2015 02:06 PM

I've been seeing moose in that country and in Unit 18 west of Fraser for ten years or so. Three or four more years and I'll draw my moose tag!

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